Consulting Services
The Boston Group was founded by Glenn Jones who has virtually all his working life been committed to the building industry and its practice procedures in both domestic & commercial applications, with involvement in many inspiring projects from conception to completion.
Many of these projects involved preparing a project team of consultants, incorporating the services of an architect (including structural engineers and other services consultants), the tendering of works to the market place, the selection of primary Sub-Contractors, and the implementation of project teams and management of staff.
The last ten years as a director of the Boston Group has seen Glenn Jones develop extensive industry services for both builders in their practices and consumers alike in many challenging areas of the building industry.
From 1996 to 1999, Glenn served as a director of the Master Builders Association of Victoria with whom many of his duties included attachment to the Building Contracts Sub-Committee where he was chartered with the review of all Master Builders Association of Victoria Building Contracts and Construction Works Specifications documents for Industry purposes.
Many of these documents are currently still in use at the MBAV for membership distribution and in particular the Major Domestic Construction Specifications.
From 1996 to 1997, Glenn was elected as the Master Builders Association of Victoria delegate, being attached to the Building Registration Sub-Committee as its deputy chairman representing the Building Practitioners Board which was chartered with the development of competencies in relation to applicants wishing to become Registered Building Practitioners.
In addition to this role, Glenn was to also improve the standards in relation to building practice competencies as defined by the Building Practitioners Board according to building practices and techniques associated with construction of domestic buildings in the Victorian jurisdiction.
In October 1997, Glenn was awarded the Department of Justice Victorian Fair Trader of the Year for building practice demonstrating excellence in consumer service.
During this time, Glenn often assisted the Office of Fair Trading in educational programs for both consumers and the Victorian Building Industry generally.
Head Contract Operations
We have had substantial practical involvement with the following listed head contracts over the last twenty years along with there associated operational jacket documents.
- AS2124-1992 Building Works Contract for Head Works Commercial Projects
- AS4000-1997 Building Works Contract for Head Works Commercial Projects
- JCCB 1985 Building Works Contract with Quantities
- JCCB 1985 Building Works Contract without Quantities
- FFC/C Cost Plus Building Works Contract
- MBAV GCC4 General Conditions Contract
- MBAV CP2 Cost Plus Building Contract
- MBAV SC6 & SC7 Sub-Contract, for Commercial Applications
- MBAV UHC1 Uniform Housing Contract
- MBAV LS1 Lump Sum Contract in Association with the Royal Australian Institute of Architects
- SBW 2 Small Building Works Contract in Association with the Royal Australian Institute of Architects
- HIA Plain English, Major Domestic Building Work Contract
- MBAV CM1 Construction Management Contract
- MBAV HC4 Major Domestic Building Work Contract
- MBAV HC5 Major Domestic Building Work Contract
- MBAV HC6 Major Domestic Building Work Contract
During the various phases of the operation of these head contracts I have also had substantial experience in the administration of there associated Sub-Contracts including the administration of Head Works Variations, Extensions of Time and the procurement of progress claims & management of payments to various Sub-Contractors.
Boston Group Consultancy Services
As managing director for the Boston Group over the last ten years we have provided industry services to building practitioners and consumers including expert reports in relation to building defects and cost to complete reports along with dispute resolution facilities.
I have often provided expert witness evidence and independent expert reports at the Victorian Civil Administrative Tribunal and other court jurisdictions in relation to Commercial and Domestic building disputes.
I have an excellent background and understanding of the Building Act 1993, Building Code of Australia & relevant Australian standards, Domestic Building Contracts and Tribunal Act 1995 and have continued to service the Boston Group client base as one of its directors in these areas of building practice over the past ten years as well as interests of the Boston Group property portfolio.
Construction Computer Technology and Accounting
I would classify the computer arena in construction technology as one of my main strengths as a construction management tool that provides clear project management direction for the project team to administrate a head contract from commencement through to practical completion encompassing all associated critical path time lines, bills of quantities, tender information and in time costing reports with associated project consultants and sub-contractors.
These Industry services include unrivalled progress reporting and critical path project monitoring in managing labour & resources to stop costly delays from occurring on projects of which includes the further development of project information and data for use by associated project consultants and quantity surveyor assessments.
As a system overview, some of the systems have a certain edge on a performance overview perspective however this depends on what tasks you are actually performing and more specifically what area of construction you are engaged in within the Industry.
Homesglen Tafe
I am also currently a guest lecturer in the Construction Faculty at Homesglen Tafe with students currently studying for a Diploma in Bachelor of Building.