The following library Information has been provided for helpfull use and education for Building Practitioners, Legal Practitioners and general Consumer Information.
- 29.FOUNDATIONS-Building on Fill-Paul Saunders 25-10-1995
- 30.FOUNDATIONS-CSIRO-Foundation Maintenance & Footing Perfo
- 31.FOUNDATIONS-Footings-Some of the Problems & Some of the
- 32.FOUNDATIONS-Relationship Between Soil Movement, Building
- 33.FOUNDATIONS-Residential Site Investigation Handbook 30-0
- 34. FOUNDATIONS-StandardDesigns & New Detailing Requirments
- 38. PRACTICE-BOMA Methodof Management Specification
- 45. PRACTICE-Claim for Extension of Time
- 46. PRACTICE-ComplianceCertificates Record & Checklist 8-4-
- 48. PRACTICE-Confirmation& Handover of Keys
- 50. PRACTICE-Gang-NailInstallation Instructions
- 52. PRACTICE-Guide toStandards & Tolerances BCC-April-1999
- 53. PRACTICE-Guide toStandards & Tolerances BCC-July-2002
- 54. PRACTICE-Guide toStandards & Tolerances HGFL-May 1996
- 55. PRACTICE-Guide toStandards & Tolerences BCC-July 2007
- 56. PRACTICE-Guide toStandards & Tolerences HGFL-December 1
- 59. PRACTICE-Instruction toVary Building Works
- 62. PRACTICE-Notice of Completion
- 63. PRACTICE-Notice to Fence
- 66. PRACTICE-Prime Cost& Provisional Sum Accounting
- 67. PRACTICE-ProvisionalSum-Debits & Credits
- 68. PRACTICE-Statutory Inspections Record
- 69. PRACTICE-The Evolutionof Building Authorities, Acts & P
- 70. PRACTICE-Training Tables, Focus Group
- 71. PRACTICE-Variation requested by builder
- 72. PRACTICE-Variation requested by Owner
- 73. PRACTICE-Variations& Instructions Schedule
- 74.PRACTICE-What you Need to Know about 5 Star for New Home
- 74. MBAV-Moving 5 to 6Star Energy Rating Assesments
- 75. MBAV GeneralSpecifications Master Builders Association
- 76. MBAV Master HomeSpecifications & Standards 2nd Revision
- 77. MBAV GeneralSpecifications Master Builders Association
- 78. MBAV Master HomesSpecifications & Standards 3rd Edition
- 79. Head Contract AS4000 1997
- 80. MBAV-CP-2 Domestic or Commercial Building Contract
- 80. MBAV-DCP1 Cost Plus Major Domestic Building Contract
- 81. MBAV HIC5 HomeImprovement Contract Edition1-2007
- 82. MBAV HC6 NewHomes Building Contract-Edition 1-2007
- 83. MBAV SC-6 Sub Contract 16-02-2010
- 84. MBAV SC-6 Master Checklist G.R Jones
- 85. MBAV SC-6 SEMINAR Introduction
- 86. MBAV SC-6John Sharky Contract Guidance Notes, Deacons S
- 87. MBAV SC-6 SEMINARMaking & Receiving Claims
- 89. MBAV SC-7 Sub Contract 29-11-2010.pdf
- 90. MBAV Security of Payment Act-Seminar Notes 2002
- 90. SOP-Security of Payment Act Flowchart 01-10-2020
- 91. MBAV Pre Hand Over Checklist Letter 18-01-2020
- 91. MBAV Pre Hand Over Checklist
- 92. MBAV Handover Kit (With All Documents Inclided V2)
- 93. MBAV Termite Management-2007
- 94. MBAV Home Owners Guide for Protection from Termites 1995
- 95. MBAV Guide to Maintaining Your New Building Project
- 96. MBAV Caring for Your Home & Renovation Guide1985
- 96. MBAV-HAND OVER KIT-A Guide to Maintaining Your New Building Project 27-06-2016
- 96. MBAV-HAND OVER KIT-Foundation Maintenance & Footing Performance CSIRO 27-06-2016
- 96. MBAV-HAND OVER KIT-Protect your Investment to Avoid Timber Failure 27-06-2016
- 96. MBAV-HAND OVER KIT-Termite Management BC 27-06-2016
- 96. MBAV-HAND OVER KIT-Timber Floors & Five Tips you Need to Know 27-06-2016
- 97. MBAV Sustainable Construction-What does it all Mean-Dr P.Alvanio
- 97. MBAV-National Quality Assurance Standard ISO 9003-1994
- 102. BCAV Building &Renovating Guide-Consumer Affairs Victo
- 103. BCAVConciliation Policy-Consumer Affairs Victoria
- 104. BCAV NewHappier Customers-Consumer Affairs Victoria
- 105. BCAV Working itOut-Guide to Dispute Resolution LIV
- 106. BCPN 05-2008 FencingSwimming Pools or Spas
- 107. BCPN 32-2008 Whenis a Building Permit Required
- 108. BCPN 20-2006 Protection Work Process
- 109. BCPN 21-2006 Amendmentof Building Permits
- 110. BCPN60-2007 Asessing Class Buildings with Timber Floor
- 111. BCPN 24-2006 Occupancy Permits
- 112. BCPN 29-2006Using the Building Code of Australia
- 113. BCPN 41-2006 PlumbingCompliance & Issue of Occupancy P
- 114. BCPN39-2006 Building Appeals Board-Guide to Applicatio
- 115. BCPN 55-2008Residential Sustainability Measures
- 116. BCPN 25-2006 Notices and Orders
- 117. AustralianHousing Outlook 2010-2013 BIS Schrapnel
- 119. Insurers ofDomestic Building Works Liable to Indemnify
- 120. RMIT-Crisis amp; Issue Management
- 121.RMIT-Professor Ron Wakefield-Peaking over the Horizon
- 123. Bryan v MoloneyJudicially Revisited LIV 29-07-1997
- 124.Sustainability Victoria-10 Smart Ways to Live Sustainab
- 125. VCAT-AgentConsent Compulsory Conference 3-6-2009
- 126.VCAT-Guidelines Expert Evidence in the Domestic Buildin
- 127. VCAT-PNDB12007-Practice Notes General Procedures Membe
- 128. VCAT-Practice Note 1
- 129. VCAT-Practice Note 2
- 130. VCAT-Practice Note 3
- 131. Expert Witness Index
- Building Assistance-911Build Assist-Boston Group
- Building Defects-911 BuildAssist-Boston Group
- Building Disputes-911 BuildAssist-Boston Group
- BuildingDisputes-Case Management-911 Build Assist-Boston Group
- BuildingDisputes-Mediation-911 Build Assist-Boston Group
- BuildingDisputes-Prevention & Relationship Management for B
- Defect Reports-911 Build Assist-BostonGroup
- Expert Defect Reports-911Build Assist-Boston Group
- Home BuildingAssistance-911 Build Assist-Boston Group
- Inspection Reports-911 BuildAssist-Boston Group
- Pre PurchaseInspection-911 Build Assist-Boston Group
- Project Management-Boston Group
- VCAT-ConsumerGuidance Notes-Case Management-911 Build Assist
- VCAT-Defect Reports-911Build Assist-Boston Group
- VCAT-Expert Witness-911Build Assist-Boston Group

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