E-Toolbox: VCAT & Court Decisions
This page provides links to decisions published by the Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) related to the Building & Property List, Civil Claims List and other Court Decisions. The articles as published are not necessarily the views of the Boston Group or any of its Directors or employees. The material and information contained here is for general information purposes only.
Please note decisions listed in alphabetical order:
- 101 Construction Pty Ltd v Raiz Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1473
- 109 Fitzroy Street Pty Ltd v Frelane Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 149
- 109 Fitzroy Street Pty Ltd v Frelane Pty Ltd (Building and Property [2017] VCAT 1987
- 24 Hour Fitness Pty Ltd v W & B Investment Group
- 24 Hour Fitness Pty Ltd v W Judge Jenkins
- 3G Group Homes Pty Ltd v Xian Wei He (Costs) (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 104
- 5 Rivoli Court Mount Waverley Pty Ltd v USI Homes Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1269
- A & G Coatings Pty Ltd v Ivy Constructions Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1760
- A & H Natoli Pty Ltd v Teen Entertainment Enterprise Network Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 918
- A.C.N. 067 266 488 v Davis (Security for Costs Application K.Aird) [2016] VCAT 2041
- A.Ioannides v Everets View D927,928,930 2008
- ACN 115 918 959 v Moulieris (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 740
- ACN 149 972 520 Pty Ltd (formerly Your Body Corporate Pty Ltd) v Owners Corporation 1 PS540313Q (Owners CorporationsOWNERS CORP WRONGFULL PAYMENT OF FEES )[2019] VCAT 1772
- AJ Moussi Pty Ltd v Luxor Corporation Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 863
- AJ Moussi Pty Ltd v Luxor Corporation Pty Ltd (No 2) (Costs) (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1069
- APCO Service Stations Pty Ltd v Mouzaya Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1642
- APM Group (Aust) Pty Ltd v Galwin Pty Ltd [2006] VSC 325
- AVC Operations Pty Limited v Teley Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT931
- AZW International Pty Ltd v N J Agius Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1281
- AZW International Pty Ltd v N J Agius Pty Ltd (Costs) (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1716
- Abigroup Contractors Pty Ltd v River Street Developments (1)
- Abigroup Contractors Pty Ltd v River Street Developments Pty
- Abigroup Contractors v River Street Developments (Domestic B
- Abigroup Contractors v River Street Devt (Domestic Building)
- Addamo v Newbury (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 2093
- Adeshara v Mpota
- Advaland Pty Ltd and Anor v Spencer John Bitcon & Ors (Building and Property) (Costs) [2019] VCAT 150
- Advaland Pty Ltd v Bitcon No 1 Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 99
- Advaland Pty Ltd v Bitcon No 2 Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 614
- Advance Building and Engineering Pty Ltd v Jovevski Building and Property [2015] VCAT 740
- Afzal v Tomiczek (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 1916
- Afzal v Tomiczek (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 2360
- Age Old Builders Pty Ltd v Swintons Pty Ltd (Costs) (Domest
- Age Old Builders Pty Ltd v Swintons Pty Ltd (Domestic Buildi
- Age Old Builders v Swintons (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT
- Age Old Builders v Swintons Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [200
- Agent v Zigouras (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1461
- Ahmed v City of Whittlesea (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 2042
- Ahmed v Whittlesea City Council (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 915
- Ahmeti v Leisure Pools and Spas Manufacturing Pty Ltd Domes
- Akande v Carlisle Homes Pty Ltd (Building and Property DEFECT CLAIM REJECTED) [2019] VCAT 1716
- Alea Pty Ltd v Hosking (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1425
- Alexopoulos v Tzakopoulos (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1724
- Ali v Phu (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1801
- Allen v Dalton (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 135
- Allmore Constructions Pty Ltd v K7 Property Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1770
- Allmore Constructions Pty Ltd v K7 Property Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 671
- Allmore Constructions Pty Ltd v K7 Property Group Pty Ltd D2 (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1770
- Allscope Interiors v Danvale Constructions (Domestic Buildin
- Alpha Developers and Promoters Pty Ltd v Advance Building(Lock Up Dispute)
- Alphonso v P & JM De Leo Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1459
- Amery Homes Pty Ltd v Gray
- Anchong Nominees Pty Ltd v Rafei Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1313
- Anderson Rice Lawyers Winter 2007
- Anderson
- Andreadis v Lofthouse (Building and Property ORDERED SALE OF LAND) [2018] VCAT 1454
- Ange Management Pty Ltd v Bevnol Constructions and Developme
- Angele Homes Pty Ltd v Barbara (Building and Property BUILDER APPLICATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT) [2019] VCAT 1825
- Angleton v R.A. Chapman Automotive Pty Ltd (ACN 006 601 725)
- Antczak v Tara Roach Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 879
- Antczak v Tara Roach Pty Ltd (Building and Property Costs Application) [2016] VCAT 1859
- Apostolou v Edgeton Properties Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 145
- Apostolou v Edgeton Properties Pty Ltd (Building and Property COSTS) [2019] VCAT 145
- April Construction Group Pty Ltd v Stahle (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1635
- Arapoglou v Shkolyar Domestic Building [2011] VCAT 2213
- Architectural Building Project Management v Monty Manufacturing Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 57
- Arrow International Australia Limited v Indevelco Pty Ltd (
- Arrow International Australia Limited v Indevelco Pty Ltd D
- Arrow International Australia Pty Ltd v Indevelco Pty Lt (1)
- Arrow International Australia Pty Ltd v Indevelco Pty Lt (2)
- Arrow International Australia Pty Ltd v Indevelco Pty Ltd (D
- Arrow International Australia Pty Ltd v Indevelco Pty Ltd Co
- Arthaus Pty Ltd v Veall (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 2206
- Ascoli Developments Pty Ltd v Chomaniuk (Domestic Buildi (1)
- Ascoli Developments Pty Ltd v Chomaniuk (Domestic Building)
- Ashjam Pty Ltd v Carroll (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 26
- Ashjam v Carroll (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 661
- Asset Interiors Pty Ltd v Grocon Constructions (Vic) Pty Ltd (Building and Property SECURITY OF PAYMENT) [2018] VCAT 483
- Atlantis Investing Pty Ltd v Pami Investments Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1926
- Attorney General for State of Vic v Kinealy (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1577
- Augello v McLean Domestic Building [2007] VCAT 2437
- Ausecon Developments Pty Ltd v Kamil Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1474
- Australian Asset Consulting Pty Ltd v Staples Super Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1726
- Australian Building Investments Pty Ltd v Glenvill (Domestic
- Australian Dream Homes Pty Ltd v Stojanovski Building and Property [2014 ] VCAT 975
- Australian International Insurance Limited v Byrne (Domestic
- Australian International Insurance Limited v Devi Developmen
- Australian Profile Pty Ltd (ACN 096 139 150) v Lazare Pty Lt
- Avonwood Homes v Milodanovic (Domestic Building) [2005] (1)
- Avonwood Homes v Milodanovic (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT
- Avramoski v Barrett Property Group Western Region (Domestic
- Azimi v Alikhani (Building and Property CONCRETE DEFECTS) [2019] VCAT 874
- B.Ho V H.Nguyen D334 2004
- BAC International Pty Ltd v Cook's Corner Kallilsta Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 2021
- BP1312 2017 Australian Fearless Sports Pty Ltd v Casey Shopping Centre Pty Ltd (mf bl 251017)
- BP1409 17 McDonald v Welcon Homes Pty Ltd (Building and Property FLOORING) [2018] VCAT 150
- BP1420 2015 Tsaikos v Lazaway Pools and Spas Pty Ltd (Building and Property)
- BP1423 2015 Silk Corporate Apartments Pty Ltd v Fadi Constructions Pty Ltd (rw bl 130117)
- BP1492 2015 Nicinski v Chemay
- BP619 2017 Owners Corporation 1 PS538430Y v H Building Pty Ltd (Under external administration) and Ors (JOINDER)
- BP813 17 Davey v Dessco Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1217
- BP958 16 Lo Touro v Metricon Homes
- BPL DECISIONS July Sept. 2018 with Austlii link
- BPL DECISIONS July to Sept. 2018 BPL Decisions Act SECTION doc with Austlii link
- BPL DECISIONS Oct Dec 2018 BPL Decisions Act SECTION doc with Austlii link 14 01 2019
- BPL DECISIONS Oct. Dec. 2018 with Austlii link 14 01 2019
- Bachmann v Calliden Insurance Limited (Domestic Building) [2
- Bagust v Wilson Domestic Building [2010] VCAT 1315
- Baines v Terrace Designs Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [2006]
- Bajkai v Posadowski (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 927
- Baldwin v North East Catchment Management Authority (Building and Property ) [2018] VCAT 608
- Barbour v Australian Elegant Homes (Building and Property ORDERS AS TO COSTS) [2019] VCAT 728
- Barbour v Australian Elegant Homes Pty Ltd (Building and Property BUILDER REPUDIATION CLAIM) [2018] VCAT 1242
- Barclay v Joe Mark Builders (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 307
- Barnes v Pivot Homes Building and Property [2015] VCAT 568
- Bartczak v Huang (Building and Property DEFECTS CLAIM & COSTS) [2019] VCAT 1396
- Bartczak v Kang (Building and Property LANDSCAPING WORK & CLAIMS) [2019] VCAT 1396
- Barter v Bushett (Building and Property WATER ACT & WATER FLOW TO ANOTHER PROPERTY) [2019] VCAT 774
- Bartolic v Prestige Home Builders Pty Ltd (Building and Property)(Costs) [2017] VCAT 1962
- Bartolic v Prestige Home Builders Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1102
- Barwon Region Water Authority v Vibro Pile Aust Pty Ltd D
- Beamish v Rosvoll (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 440
- Beaumont Kew Hotel Pty Ltd v APlus Capital Pty Ltd (Building and Property TERMINATION OF A RETAIL LEASE) [2019] VCAT 2006
- Belaryn Pty Ltd v Deane (Building and Property) (Costs) [2017] VCAT 926
- Belaryn Pty Ltd v Deane (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 738
- Belcon Enterprises v Shaq Industries (Building and Property DISCOVERY OF DOCUMENTS) [2018] VCAT 1048
- Bellcon Developments Pty Ltd v Triantafyllou Domestic Build
- Benaych v Telcanti Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1947
- Bennett v Cogan Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1452
- Bennett v Jackson Building and Property [2014] VCAT 839
- Benzvi v Gunther Developments Pty Ltd and Anor (Domestic Bui
- Berry v Summerfield (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 1478
- Best v Vero Insurance (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 642
- Bestawaros v Sorace (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1005
- Bestawaros v Sorace (Building and Property COSTS APPLICATION [2018] VCAT 1034
- Bestawros v Sorace Building and Property [2015] VCAT 288
- Bevnol Constructions & Developments Pty Ltd v De Simone Dom
- Bianco v Dinovic & Anor (Domestic Building) [2009] VCAT 1871
- Bianco v Dinovic & Anor Domestic Building [2009] VCAT 1126
- Bianco v Sharanton Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2008] VCAT 2
- Big Apple Group Pty Ltd v Melbourne City Council (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1323
- Big Apple Group Pty Ltd v Melbourne City Council (No 2) (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1881
- Bilbarin v Di Mella Constructions (Domestic Building) [2007]
- Bills Thompson v Bills Thompson (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 438
- Bills Thompson v Bills Thompson (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 341
- Bills – Thompson v Bills – Thompson (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1375
- Bilotto v Barrett Property Group Western Region Pty Ltd Domestice Building [2014] VCAT 304
- Bimem Nominees v Methven Croydon (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 727
- Binns v Binns (Building and Property LAND OWNERSHIP) [2018] VCAT 759
- Bird v Expo Constructions Pty Ltd (Building and Property) REASONABLENESS OF DEFECTS BELGROVE 2018 VCAT 1000
- Bird v Expo Constructions Pty Ltd (Building and Property COSTS APPLICATION) [2018] VCAT 1485
- Blackwood Pub Pty Ltd v Cooke (Building and Property) (RETAIL TENANCY DISPUTE & COSTS) [2019] VCAT 1516
- Bladeni v Latitude 37 Projects Pty Ltd (Building and Property SCRATCHED WALL TILES) [2018] VCAT 604
- Blanche v Guzzo Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1575
- Blaszczyk v Dawn to Dusk Building Services Pty Ltd Domestic
- Bluestone Park Pty Ltd v Kevin Hunt Property Pty Ltd (Building and Property) (Revised) [2015] VCAT 1813
- Bluestone Park Pty Ltd v Kevin Hunt Property Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1813
- Bodnarcuk v Gibbs Domestic Building [2008] VCAT 854
- Body Corporate PS430656W v Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd
- Body Corporate Plan No PS404277D v Victorian Managed Insuran
- Body Corporate Plan No. PS509946A v VM Romano Construction G
- Body Corporate Plan v JMC Residential Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [2007] 1973
- Body Corporate Strata Plan No 419952 v Victorian Managed Ins
- Body Corporate Strata Plan No PS 446708Q & Ors v Arundel Hom
- Borg v Cassar (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 2908
- Borg v Metricon Homes Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2008] VCA
- Borg v Metricon Homes Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2009] VCA
- Bornyan v Bornyan Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1103 1doc
- Bornyan v Bornyan Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1103 2doc
- Boskar Investments Pty Ltd v Calliden Insurance Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 2107
- Boskovic v Profine Constructions Pty Ltd (Building and Property PAINTER DISPUTE) [2018] VCAT 1687
- Bourke v Capital Building Contractors Pty Ltd (ACN 107 033 6
- Boutique Homes Pty Ltd v Tzimourtas Domestic Building [201
- Boyle and Anor v Allgrind Concrete Finishing Pty Ltd (ACN 13
- Bradburn v Building Surveying Professionals Pty Ltd (Building and Property ) [2017] VCAT 483
- Brady Constructions Pty Ltd v Andrew Lingard & Associate (1)
- Brady Constructions Pty Ltd v Andrew Lingard & Associates Pt
- Brady Constructions v Everest Project Developments Pty Ltd
- Bramich v Moreland CC VCAT P687 2009.
- Brennan v N & K Morrice Pty Ltd (Building and Property DBDRV CERTIFICATES & OTHER RESPONDENTS) [2019] VCAT 1950
- Brien v Brighton Pool Shop (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 1
- Brien v Brighton Pool Shop (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 2
- Brimbank Lifestyle Properties v Ready Retail Holdings Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 2148
- Brivik v Bernard Opat Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2019 LEAKING MEMBRANES] VCAT 397
- Broadform Constructions v Majestic Builders Melbourne (Repud
- Bromilow v J.G. King Pty Ltd (ACN 006 627 210) (Domestic Bui
- Brondolino v Surf Coast Smash Masters Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 538
- Broomfield v Ideal Transport & Training Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 358
- Bros Eastern Developments Pty Ltd v Van San Constructions Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1232
- Brown v Cardona & Ors Domestic Building [2009] VCAT 910 Lo
- Brown v S & B Weerasinghe Pty Ltd (Building and Property WRONGLY BUILT DRIVEWAY) [2019] VCAT 1329
- Browne v Greenleaf Nominees Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [200
- Browne v HGF Limited (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 1059
- Browne v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (Domestic Bui
- Building & Property List (Member R Buchanan Trent Guy v Owners Corporation 416326 VCAT OC1500 2017) 20 12 2018
- Building Project Control v Amalgamated Group (Domestic Build
- Bulk Powders Pty Ltd v Seicon Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 2000
- Buras v Danla Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1089
- Burbank Australia Pty Ltd v Haynes (Domestic Building) [2011
- Burleigh v EWH South Morang Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 2113
- Buttler Engineering Pty Ltd v Newsteel Pty Ltd (Building and Property STEEL FABRICATION+DRAWINGS) [2018] VCAT 599
- Buzzbee Homes Pty Ltd v Beattie Domestic Building [2010] V
- C&J Designer Homes v C.Sealing D950 2009
- C & J Designer Homes
- C & J Mortgages Pty Ltd v Neville Domestic Building [2009]
- C.Lawley v Terrace Designs D144 2004
- CB Cold Storage Pty Ltd v IMCC Group (Australia) Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1866
- CB Cold Storage Pty Ltd v Morgan Street Investments Pty Ltd Retail Tenancies [2014] VCAT 773
- CJ Roof Plumbing Pty Ltd v R and S Homes Pty Ltd (Domestic B
- Caesar The Tileman Pty Ltd v I & Z Constructions Pty Ltd Do
- Cahill v Vero Insurance Limited (Domestic Building) [2005] V
- Cairns v Allen Building and Property [2015] VCAT 21
- Caldwell v Cheung Domestic Building [2008] VCAT 1794
- Caldwell v Cheung Domestic Building [2008] VCAT 853
- Camilleri v Buildpro Holdings Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1155
- Campagna v Stakes and Timber Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1288
- Campaul Investments v Contractors Bonding (Domestic Building
- Campbell Homes and Construction Pty Ltd v Maghamex [2016] VCAT 1463
- Cannuli v Kojdovski trading as Sureline Construction Building and Property [2015] VCAT 889
- Cantwell v Goodwin (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 842
- Cao v Al Bahjeh Pty Ltd (Building and Property) (COSTS APPLICATION) [2019] VCAT 998
- Cao v Al Bahjeh Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2019 BUILDER WALK AWAY] VCAT 367
- Cao v GE Builder Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 725
- Carey v MK Building Group Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1211
- Carey v MK Building Group Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 541
- Carroll v Housing Guarantee Fund Ltd (Domestic Building) [20
- Carroll v Housing Guarantee Fund Ltd (Domestic Building) [20
- Caruso v Victorian Managed Investment Authority (Domestic Bu
- Casabene trading as J.A.C. Painting v Ferriera Domestic Bui
- Casdar Pty Ltd v Fanous (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1464
- Catalano v Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Limited (Domesti
- Cataldo v Tardio (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 14
- Cataldo v Tardio (Costs) (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 561
- Cavalier Homes Albury Wodonga Pty Ltd v Scanlon Building and Property [2014] VCAT 813
- Cenekin Pty Ltd v Captain Stag Pty Ltd Domestic Building [
- Chahine v Freedom Pools and Spas (Vic) Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1213
- Chandler v Shangri La Construction Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1011
- Chantelle Enterprises Aust Pty Ltd v Sangster Greenwood (Building and Property) (LEASE & COSTS) [2019] VCAT 972
- Chantelle Enterprises Aust Pty Ltd v Sangster Greenwood (Building and Property) [LEASE 2019] VCAT 961
- Charant Developments Pty Ltd v Nguyen & Anor Domestic B (1)
- Charant Developments Pty Ltd v Nguyen & Anor Domestic Build
- Charcoal Chicken Retail Lease
- Charterarm Investments Pty Ltd v Roberts Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1305
- Charterarm Investments Pty Ltd v Roberts Costs Building and Property [2015] VCAT 323
- Charterarm Investments Pty Ltd v Roberts Costs Building and Property [2015] VCAT 836
- Charterarm Investments Pty Ltd v Roberts Remitted Hearing Building and Property [2015] VCAT 527
- Chen v Koshani Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1511
- Cheng v Samoylenko Building and Property [2015] VCAT 167
- Cheng v Wang (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 496
- Cheng v Wang (Building and Property RETAIL LEASE) [2019] VCAT 1016
- Chetauti v C & J Designer Homes (Domestic Building) [2005] V
- Chidambaram v Pace Development Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property COSTS ASSESMENT) [2018] VCAT 994
- Chidambaram v Pace Development Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property REMEDIAL WORK DEFECTS) [2018] VCAT 431
- Chong v C and J Designer Homes Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1323
- Choo v Bradley Price trading as BCP Constructions (Domestic
- Choueiri v Home Renovation Group (Domestic Building) [2007]
- Christian v Paradyce Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 631
- Christou & Anor v Milieu Developments Pty Ltd Domestic Buil
- Christou v Milieu Devts Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [2007] V
- Chugg v Johnston (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 662
- Ciantar v Housing Guarantee Fund Limited (Domestic Build (1)
- Ciantar v Housing Guarantee Fund Limited (Domestic Building)
- Cicerale v Shenp Pty Ltd
- Cilia v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (Domestic Buil
- Civic Home Improvements VIC Pty Ltd v Orders Domestic Bui
- Clare v Melford Constructions (Domestic Building) [2006] VCA
- Clare v Melford Constructions Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [2
- Clarendon Homes Vic Pty Ltd v Zalega Domestic Building [20
- Clark and Anor v Lazaway Pools
- Clark v Boehm (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1879
- Classic Period Homes Pty Ltd (ACN 096 046 105) v Bauer & Ano
- Classic Period Homes Pty Ltd (ACN 096 046 105) v Rattle & An
- Classic Period Homes Pty Ltd v Appleby (Domestic Building) [
- Classic Period Homes Pty Ltd v Pearce (Domestic Building) [2
- Classic Period Homes Pty Ltd v Rattle Domestic Building [2
- Classic Period Homes v Appleby (Domestic Building) [2007 (1)
- Classic Period Homes v Appleby (Domestic Building) [2007] VC
- Clearview Constructions Pty Ltd (ACN 104 900 647) v CDK Ston
- Clearwater v Wilson McDowell Property Group Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 685
- Clemens v Metricon Homes Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 785
- Clements v Barlow D160 2006
- Climent v 1 2 Interiors Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 350
- Clynton Meadows Pty Ltd v Gray (Domestic Building) [2006] VC
- Co Hee v Spanline Australia (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT
- Coach v Coach Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1614
- Coghlan v Construc Builders Pty Ltd (Expert did not give Evidence but Report Filed) [2017] VCAT 992
- Colaci v Colaci (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1191
- Collins v Greater Geelong City Council (Building and Property WATER ACT) [2018] VCAT 2044
- Conduit v Metricon Homes Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 296
- Conlan v Dundon (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 972
- Connick tas N.L.&.K.L. Connick (Builders) v Israeli (Domesti
- Constantinidis v MMMMM Pty Ltd
- Construction Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd v Victorian Managed
- Construction Engineering v Victorian Managed Insurance A (1)
- Construction Engineering v Victorian Managed Insurance Autho
- Cook v Neil Architecture Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2009]
- Cosgriff v Housing Guarantee Fund Ltd (Domestic Building) [2
- Cosgriff v Housing Guarantee Fund Ltd (Domestic Building (1)
- Crawford Engineering Pty Ltd v Newvision Holdings Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 719
- Crawford Engineering Pty Ltd v Newvision Holdings Pty Ltd (Building and Property Costs Hearing) [2017] VCAT 1062
- Cromie v A T Carpet Brokers Pty Ltd (Building and Property Flooring) [2018] VCAT 46
- Crooymans v Uribe (Building and Property ARCHITECT ENGAGEMENT) [2018] VCAT 932
- Crosby v Australian Unity General Insurance (Domestic Buildi
- Csc1957 Investments Pty Ltd v Karas & Or (RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES) [2019] VCAT 1650
- Czapp v Czapp (Building and Property) [2019 OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY] VCAT 1481
- D & M PYO Construction Pty Ltd v VMIA Domestic Building [2
- DJM Group Pty Ltd v Calypso Sports Pty Ltd (Building and Property) (COSTS ORDERS) [2019] VCAT 808
- DJM Group Pty Ltd v Calypso Sports Pty Ltd (Building and Property) (RETAIL LEASES & COSTS) (No 2) [2019] VCAT 1386
- DJM Group Pty Ltd v Calypso Sports Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 325
- DJP Scoria Pty Ltd v Mount Road Nominees Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 601
- DK Air Pty Ltd v Bayside Construct Pty Ltd (Building and Property SUB CONTRACTOR VARIATIONS) [2018] VCAT 789
- Dalmatino Pty Ltd v Creative Laser Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 875
- Dalstruct Pty Ltd v Mckay Domestic Building [2010] VCAT 39
- Dang v Drocon Constructions Pty Ltd Domestic Building [200
- Dang v Venatross Nominees Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 951
- Darvale Homes v H.Pham D864 2004
- Davies v Owners Corporation 1 PS 414649K (Building and Property OWNERS CORPORATION DEFECTS & COSTS) [2019] VCAT 1724
- Davies v Owners Corporation 1 PS414649K (Building and Property WATER INGRESS CLAIM) [2019] VCAT 1159
- Davies v Yarra Valley Water (Building and Property) PART1 [2016] VCAT 655
- Davies v Yarra Valley Water (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 655
- De Norville v Borg (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 1909
- De Simone v Bevnol Constructions & Developments Pty Ltd & Or
- Dean v Hansen (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 1647
- Debattista v Vero Insurance Ltd (Domestic Building) [2006] V
- Deco Group Holdings Pty Ltd v Seaford Developments Pty Ltd [
- Dental Board of Australia v Gardner (Occupational and Busine
- Dependable Care Pty Ltd v O'Connor Assets Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1170
- Destin Constructions Pty Ltd v McLennon Domestic Building
- Deus Software Pty Ltd v Acumen Auditors Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1667
- Dexel Engineering Pty Ltd v Crios Australia Pty Ltd (Building and Property JOINDER SUB CONTRACTOR) [2018] VCAT 651
- Dhaliwal v Arrow (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 924
- Di Dio Nominees Pty Ltd v JVR Enterprises (Vic) Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 772
- Di Manno Enterprises Pty Ltd Anor v Nicholas Murray Architec
- Di Paolo v Underwood trading as Quality Slate Roofs Domesti
- Diankha v RCL Grandvue Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1444
- Dickinson v MacDiggers Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [2007] VC
- Dickinson v MacDiggers Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2007] VC
- Digiovine v Faba Homes Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 105
- Dine v G.T. Business Holdings Pty Ltd t as Granite Transformations (Building and Property GRANITE DEFECTS) VCAT [2019] 986
- Dinh v Westgate Joinery & Cabinet Making Pty Ltd (Building and Property DEFECT CLAIM) [2019] VCAT 1709
- Dolphin v Hart Constructions (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT
- Domaille v Gazza and Jazzie Home Handy Fixers Pty Ltd & Anor
- Donaldson Homes v Vero Insurance (Domestic Building) [2006]
- Donkin v Donkin (Building and Property) (ORDERS AS TO COSTS SECTION 109) [2019] VCAT 1364
- Donkin v Donkin (Building and Property OWNERSHIP OF LAND) [2019] VCAT 1057
- Dore v Housing Guarantee Fund Ltd & Anor Supreme Court
- Double M Constructions Pty Ltd v Timetrex Pty Ltd (Building and Property COSTS APPLICATION) [2019] VCAT 1148
- Douglas v Kelso (Building and Property) [2018 INTEREST CLAIM] VCAT 680
- Douglas v Kelso (Building and Property APPARTMENT LEAKS) [2018] VCAT 680
- Dowling & Anor v Laurie Domestic Building [2009] VCAT 1026
- Dowling v Laurie Domestic Building [2010] VCAT 412
- Doyle v Trevarrow Pty Ltd
- Draper v Simonds Homes Victoria Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 669
- Draper v Simonds Homes Victoria Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 91
- Dravid Pty Ltd v Kremin Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 623
- Dura (Australia) Constructions Pty Ltd v SC Land Richmon (1)
- Dura (Australia) Constructions Pty Ltd v SC Land Richmond Pt
- Dura v SC Land Richmond Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [2006] V
- Dwell v Nava Homes Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 660
- D'Ambra v Naggar (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1962
- Eastern Builders Pty Ltd v Glyndon Developments Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 850
- Easton Builders Pty Ltd v Glyndon Developments Pty Ltd (Building and Property) V2 [2016] VCAT 850
- Easton Builders Pty Ltd v Glyndon Developments Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 850
- Eckberg v Wharington (Domestic Building) [2009] VCAT 1899
- Eco Pacific Pty Ltd v Ali Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1026
- Edwards v Woods (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 290
- Eid v Adam Domestic Building [2010] VCAT 1263
- El Ali v Victorian Building Authority (Building and Property PLUMBING ORDERS) [2018] VCAT 115
- Elaeno Investments Pty Ltd v Vicinity Funds Management Pty Ltd (Building and Property RETAIL LEASE) [2019] VCAT 910
- Element Five Pty Ltd v Asseraf Superannuation Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 295
- Eliana Constructions and Development Group Pty Ltd v Sidrak Domestic Building [2013] VCAT 2160
- Ellandee Holdings Pty Ltd v Burton Brickwork Services Pty Ltd (Building and Property BRICKLAYING DEFECTS) 2018 VCAT 1280
- En Avant Pty Ltd v Baltars (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 367
- Eric Jones Stairbuilding Group Pty Ltd v Casabene Plumbing &
- Eric Jones Stairbuilding Group Pty Ltd v Pravin
- Ernst Vettori trading as Dorset Pools v Bailey Domestic Bui
- Esquiline Pty Ltd v Voloder Building and Property [2015] VCAT 135
- Euli Nominees Pty Ltd v Kentish Sands Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 565
- Evans v Fynnan Pty Ltd (Building and Property JOINDER) [2018] VCAT 1335
- F R Reid Pty Ltd v Jimber Fa'aoso and Skylawn Fa'aoso (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 976
- Fabre v Initial Homes Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [2005] VCA
- Fang v Aquatab Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 2079
- Faycroft Pty Ltd v Granopa Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1453
- Faycroft Pty Ltd v Granopa Pty Ltd No 2 correction Building and Property [2015] VCAT 11
- Faycroft Pty Ltd v Granopa Pty Ltd corrected Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1453
- Fazzolari v Samadah Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2010] VCAT
- Fei Y Group Pty Ltd (admin apptd) v Lendlease Real Estate Investments Limited (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 200
- Ferdinands v 3D Homes Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1274
- Ferguson v Probuild Homes Pty Ltd (ACN 053 945 261) (Domesti
- Fernandez v E & M Farag Pty Ltd & Anor Domestic Building [
- Ferraro v Aerolink Property Corporation Pty Ltd (Building and Property COLOUR OF CONCRETE WRONG ) [2018] VCAT 1422
- Filis v McNeil (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 1644
- Filonis v Housing Guarantee Fund (Domestic Building) [2006]
- Filonis v Orbit Homes Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [2005] VCA
- Finemore v Houndalas & Anor Domestic Building [2009] VCAT
- Finetea Pty Ltd v Block Arcade Melbourne Pty Ltd (Building and Property REPUDIATION OF LEASE FINANCIAL DAMAGE) [2019] VCAT 1529
- Foley v Afonso Building Solutions Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1640
- Foley v Afonso Building Solutions Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 157
- Fonua v Mitrov (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 209
- Forestfield Corporation Pty Ltd v Vanessa Flegg Pty Ltd (Building and Property RETAIL LEASES COSTS) [2019] VCAT 1503
- Formation Landscapes Pty Ltd v Stonnington Fences & Gates Pty Ltd (Building and Property FENCING & TYPE OF MATERIALS) [2018] VCAT 506
- Fortuna Fountain Pty Ltd v Dato Lim Jew Siang Investments Pty Ltd (Building and Property OFFSET OF RENT PLUS DEFECTS) [2018] VCAT 587
- Forty Third Janelda Pty Ltd v Allen Domestic Building [200
- Fotopoulos v Sawtech Pty Ltd tas Deccan Homes (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1544
- Foutras v Home Construction and Design (Domestic Building) [
- Francis v Crespin (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1498
- Francis v Crespin (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 2046
- Franklin v Cosimo Migliore trading as John and Coz Concretin
- Fraser v Housing Guarentee Fund (Domestic Building) [2005] V
- Fraser v Mason (Building and Property PRE PURCHASE INSPECTIONS) [2019] VCAT 1009
- Fraser v Melbourne Pools Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1721
- Fraser v Sperling (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1891
- Fraser v Sperling (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1144
- Freedom Pools and Spas (ACN 101 657 167) v Watts (Domestic B
- Fulton v Infantino Constructions Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1454
- G & L Developments Pty Ltd v Boorer (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 30
- G & L Taig Pty Ltd v Tomaiuolo (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 347 V2
- G & L Taig Pty Ltd v Tomaiuolo (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 347
- G Rocca Pty Ltd v Timetrex Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1858
- G Rocca Pty Ltd v Timetrex Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 261
- GDM Technologies Pty Ltd v Questco Pty Ltd (STORAGE OF GOODS & CARS) [2018] VCAT 544
- GJ Stanbrook Pty Ltd trading as Gardner Homes v East Building and Property [2015] VCAT 272
- Galas v Vero Insurance (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 456
- Galgano v Perry (Building and Property DEFECTIVE CONCRETE) [2018] VCAT 687
- Gallery Bar & Grill Pty Ltd v Freilich Napean Pty (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 720
- Ganitis v Ganitis No 1 Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1293
- Ganitis v Ganitis No 2 Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1415
- Garg v Singh Homes Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 964
- Garrett v Elim House Pty Ltd (Building and Property TERMITES & PRE PURCHASE INSPECTION) [2018] VCAT 1862
- Gates v Robinson (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 40
- Gattellaro v Gauci Bros Pty Ltd (Building and Property CONCRETING WORK) [2020] VCAT 36
- Geftine PL v Dover Beach PL (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT
- Geftine Pty Ltd v Dover Beach Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [2
- Gendala v AAK Construction Group (Domestic Building) [2005]
- Gendala v AAK Construction Group PL (Domestic Buidling) [200
- Geopec Pty Ltd v BMS Group Pty Ltd costs Building and Property [2015] VCAT 12
- George v Papalaskaris (RESIDENTIAL TENANCY BOND) [2019] VCAT 1110
- Germano v Brenner Homes and Anor (Domestic Building) [2010]
- Ghobrial v Solo Developments Pty Ltd (Building and Property GENERAL HOUSE DISPUTE) [2018] VCAT 943
- Giardina v Wilcon Constructions (Domestic Building) [200 (1)
- Giardina v Wilcon Constructions (Domestic Building) [2007] V
- Giblin Family Homes Pty Ltd v Hubbard (Building and Property Variations Claim) [2016] VCAT 1916
- Gigliuto v Sassella (Building and Property [2018] CLAIMS AGAINST AN ENGINEER VCAT 1946
- Gledhill v Scotia Property Maintenance Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2019 SECTION 134 10 YEAR STATUTE BARED CLAIMS] VCAT 422
- Gledhill v Scotia Property Maintenance Pty Ltd (Building and Property LAWYERS CONFLICT OF INTEREST) [2018] VCAT 1314
- Gleeson v Harrison (Domestic Building)[2005] VCAT 1392
- Glowell International Pty Ltd v Biggin & Scott Commercial Pty Ltd (Building and Property) (Costs) [2017] VCAT 1849
- Glowell International Pty Ltd v Biggin & Scott Commercial Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1342
- Gombac Group Pty Ltd v Vero Insurance Limited (Domestic Buil
- Gondopoulos v Metricon Homes Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1533
- Gondopoulos v Metricon Homes Pty Ltd (Builidng and Property) [2016] VCAT 904
- Gosbell v Radovanovic (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 1594
- Gower v Vero Insurance (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 1447
- Gozul Pty Ltd v Resources Consulting Services Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1558
- Gradsack v Mr Sardar Gharib trading as C Styler Floor (Domes
- Graham v Marinovic
- Graham v McNab Building and Property [2015] VCAT 353
- Graham v McNab Building and Property [2015] VCAT 980
- Gray & Anor v Vero Insurance Limited Domestic Building [20
- Graze v Natural Pools Australia Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 513
- Great Lakes Reinsurance UK Plc v Branicki & Ors Domestic
- Grech v Richardson (Building and Property FAMILY LAW) [2019] VCAT 363
- Greco v Basiri (Building and Property) [2019 NO HOME WARRANTY INSURANCE] VCAT 555
- Green Design Homes Pty Ltd v Richmond (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1697
- Green v Stonehaven Homes (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 156
- Green v Stonehaven Homes [2006] VCAT 6
- Greenhill Homes V Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd (Domestic
- Greenhill Homes v Allianz Australia Insurance (Domestic Buil
- Greenleaf v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (Domestic
- Grenville Trading Pty Ltd v Braszell (Building and Property) (No 4) (Costs) [2018] VCAT 1332
- Grenville Trading Pty Ltd v Braszell (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 877
- Grenville Trading Pty Ltd v Braszell (No 3) (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1426
- Grenville Trading Pty Ltd v Braszell Building and Property [2015] VCAT 985
- Gribbin v Santoro Building and Property [2014] VCAT 800
- Grocl v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (Building and Property H.W INSURANCE & TIME BARS) [2019] VCAT 1877
- Grouios v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (Domestic Bu
- Grover v Grover (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1122
- Guastalegname v Chevros Pty Ltd 2 Building and Property [2015] VCAT 944
- Guastalegname v Chevros Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 647
- Gude v Stephens (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 810
- Guirguis v Casa Di Iorio Investments Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 2209
- H E Tomkins Pty Ltd v Shaw (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 773
- H Y Ting & Sons Pty Ltd v MacDonald (No 2) (Building and Property RETAIL LEASE) [2018] VCAT 477
- H Y Ting and Sons Pty Ltd v MacDonald Building and Property [2015] VCAT 532
- HJ Corporation Pty Ltd v Nguyen Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1300
- Hallmark Projects Pty Ltd trading as Hallbury Homes v Reid
- Hannah Vic Pty Ltd v Zenith Netcare Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 146
- Hanrahan v Best Building and Property [2015] VCAT 981
- Hardiman v Gory & Anor (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 2232
- Hardiman v Gory Domestic Building [2008] VCAT 267
- Harrington v Hansen (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 2017
- Harris v P.S.A Painting Pty Ltd (Building and Property PAINTING DEFECTS) [2019] VCAT 905
- Heinjus v De Felice Domestic Building [2008] VCAT 1940
- Heski Carpenters Pty Ltd v Gaycel Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 688
- Heski Carpenters Pty Ltd v Gaycel Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1833
- High Porch Constructions Pty Ltd v Al Khatib D42 2009
- Hill v Bastecky (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 1711
- Hill v Stout Building and Property [2015] Re Claims Bared or Not Member C.Aird VCAT 578
- Ho v Bishop (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1541
- Hoang Tran Investments Pty Ltd v 2M'S Constructions Pty Ltd
- Hoang Tran Investments v 2MS Constructions (Domestic Bui (1)
- Hoang Tran Investments v 2MS Constructions (Domestic Buildin
- Hobson v Robinson (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 524
- Holt v Bonnett (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 5
- Hooper v Metricon Homes Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 277
- Horne v Todeschine [2007] VCAT 339
- Hotel Renovations & Maintenance Pty Ltd v Newmarket Tavern Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 2031
- Hotel Renovations and Maintenance Pty Ltd v Newmarket Tavern Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1846
- Houltham v J G King Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT
- Houltham v J[1]. G. King Pty Ltd. (Domestic Buidling) [2005]
- Houltham v King (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 1983
- Houndalas v Burnham (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 1308
- Houndalas v Burnham (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 2121
- Hummel Homes Pty Ltd v Mitchell (Building and Property BUILDER REPUDIATION + DEFECTS) [2019] VCAT 1960
- Hummer Constructions v Murphy (Domestic Building) [2006] VCA
- Huner v Housing Guarantee Fund Ltd [2004] VCAT 1264
- Hurdle v Commerford trading as DC Concreting Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 282
- Huybers v Chesser (Building and Property WRONGFUL TERMINATION OF CONTRACT) [2018] VCAT 315
- Huynh v Huynh (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1685
- Hyde v Vero Insurance (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 1304
- Hyndman v Hurtob Homes Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1126
- Hyndman v Hurtob Homes Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 380
- I J R Homes Pty Ltd v Toma (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1626
- Ian Barker & Associates Pty Ltd v Capannolo Domestic Buildi
- Icecorp Pty Ltd v Prodom Developments (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1534
- Iglesias v Art Windows Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2009] VC
- Iliopoulos v Housing Guarantee Fund [2006] VCAT 290
- Iloski v Gadens Lawyers (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1396
- Imagination Developments Pty Ltd v Common Equity Housing Ltd (Building and Property CONTRACT DETERMINED) [2019] VCAT 1662
- Imagination Developments Pty Ltd v Pink Painter Pty Ltd trad
- Imerva Corporation Pty Ltd v Kuna (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 2058
- Ingwersen v Smith (Building and Property AWARDING COSTS SECTION 109) [2018] VCAT 1103
- Innovative Security Group Australia Pty Ltd v Clearview Holdings Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1935
- Intercom Group v K.Nakajama D786 2004
- Ioannidis v Glenvill Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2009] VCAT
- Ireland v Pro Struct Property Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 2122
- Ireland v Transport Accident Commission Review and Regulation [2014] VCAT 1328
- Isaacs v Vero Insurance Ltd Domestic Building [2009] VCAT
- Isgro v Isgro (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 312
- Italian Stuff Pty Ltd v K & N Company Pty Ltd (Building and Property BREACH OF LEASE) [2019] VCAT 1783
- Ivy Fashionware Pty Ltd v Wadren Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 175
- J&D Stiff v Freeform Builders D63 2003
- J G King Pty Ltd v Evans (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 236
- J G King Pty Ltd v Evans (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 259
- J Janta Pty Ltd v VIP Benevolent Society Incorporated (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1606
- J Vincent Nominees Pty Ltd v SMA Projects Pty Ltd (Domestic
- J Vincent Nominees v SMA Projects (Domestic Building) [2005]
- JAJ Lohman Py Ltd v O'Kane (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 1
- JCM Builders Pty Ltd v Hicks General Construction Pty Ltd CLAIMS FOR DELAY COSTS [2018] VCAT 1595
- JCM Builders Pty Ltd v Hicks General Construction Pty Ltd [2019 COSTS APPLICATION] VCAT 476
- JG King Project Management Pty Ltd v Mulkarra Drive Properti
- JG King Pty Ltd v Sansome & Anor (Provisional sum) [2009] VC
- JST Holdings Pty Ltd v Tyler (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 136
- Jackson v HENLEY ARCH PTY LTD (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 18
- Jacques v BJ Builders Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2008] VCA
- Jafari v Ryan (Building and Property RETAIL LEASE) [2019] VCAT 1938
- Jah Thomas Pty Ltd v Carmack Nominees Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 578
- James v Arch Projects Pty Ltd (Building and Property DEFECTS & INCOMPLETE WORK) [2019] VCAT 1114
- James v OPM Developments Pty Ltd (Building and Property EXCAVATION WORK) [2018] VCAT 2017
- Jan Australia Pty Ltd v Jenni International Pty Ltd (Building and Property NO EXCUSE FOR NOT ATTENDING HEARING ) [2019] VCAT 1761
- Jansen v Hometech Industries Pty Ltd Domestic Building [20
- Jarrari v Glenvale Somerset Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1391
- Jasen v Beardsworth (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 2207
- Jasen v Demaio (Building and Property WATER ACT INFLOW TO ANOTHER PROPERTY) [2019] VCAT 712
- Jasen v Supa Reblocking & Underpinning Pty Ltd (Building and Property REBLOCKING DAMAGES) [2018] VCAT 813
- Jason's Bricklayer Pty Ltd v Fynnan Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1623
- Javni Homes v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (Domesti
- Jenkins v OCVM Commercial Pty Ltd (SACKING OF OWNERS CORPORATION) [2019] VCAT 1078
- Jeric v A.J. Key Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1028
- Jeric v A.J. Key Pty Ltd (Member Farrelly VCAT BP11 2017) 20 01 2017
- Jescor Concreting Pty Ltd v Lloyd (Domestic Building) [2006]
- Jim Lazogas and Company Pty Ltd v Nyle Pty Ltd trading as White Dove Funeral Care Building and Property [2014] VCAT 840
- Jinalea Pty Ltd v Mace (Building and Property DEFECTS & COUNTER CLAIMS) [2019] VCAT 1732
- Joe Borg trading as Sunview Homes v Victorian Managed In (1)
- Joe Borg trading as Sunview Homes v Victorian Managed Insura
- John v Hyndman Costs Orders Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1327
- Johns Lyng Commercial Builders Pty Ltd v Carrington International Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1323
- Johns Lyng Commercial Builders Pty Ltd v Carrington International Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1821
- Johnston v Stockland Development Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1634
- Johnston v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority & Ors (1)
- Johnston v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority & Ors (2)
- Johnston v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority & Ors (3)
- Johnston v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority & Ors Dome
- Johnston v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (Domestic B
- Jolin Nominees Pty Ltd v Paciocco (Domestic Building) [2006]
- Jonale Pty Ltd v Nido (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 1440
- Josephine Ung Pty Ltd v Jagjit Associates Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 2111
- Joveski v Melbourne Development Group (Aust) Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 2020
- Joybay Pty Ltd (Building and Property NO INSURANCE HOME WARRANTY) [2018] VCAT 1588
- Judge Ginnane CCM Moss v R.T Edgar CI1001281 20 10 2011
- Judkins v Vero Insurance Ltd Domestic Building [2009] VCAT
- Junctions 90 Pty Ltd v Morey Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1081
- K & C Constructions Pty Ltd v Qiang Feng Hi Sushi Pty Ltd (Building and Property SECURITY FOR COSTS APPLICATION) [2019] VCAT 844
- KE Wang Pty Ltd v Lendlease Real Estate Investments Limited (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 199
- Kalikas v AV Jennings Properties Limited (ACN 004 601 503) (
- Kalkbrenner v Quality Building Concepts Pty Ltd (Domestic Bu
- Kameel Pty Ltd v Antongtai Pty Ltd (in liquidation) (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 469
- Kane Constructions v Sopov (No[1]. 2) [2005] VSC492
- Kane Constructions v Sopov (No[1]. 3) [2006] VSC 32
- Kane Constructions v Sopov (No[1]. 3) [2006] VSC 32
- Kane Constructions v Sopov
- Kapadia v Porto (Building and Property (LANDSCAPING & CONCRETING) [2018] VCAT 1869
- Kapadia v Porto (Building and Property Landscaping Dispute) [2016] VCAT 1810
- Kapyapar v Johns Const Vic Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 322
- Karagiozakis v Karagiozakis Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1082
- Karagiozakis v Karagiozakis No 2 costs Building and Property [2015] VCAT 239
- Karagiozakis v Karagiozakis redacted Building and Property Member E.Reigler[2014] VCAT 1001
- Karim v Englehart Homes (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 1264
- Kaur v Jovanov (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 637
- Kealy v Milanovic (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1644
- Kealy v Milanovic (No 2) (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 874
- Kedmi v Mass Constructions & Developments (Building and Property DEFAMATION WEBSITES) [2018] VCAT 1528
- Keech & Co Pty Ltd v K & K Autos Pty Ltd (Building and Property ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE) [2019] VCAT 1859
- Kehmann & Anor v Cafra Domestic Building [2009] VCAT 1196
- Kelco Asset Management Pty Ltd v Skabaw Pty Ltd trading as D
- Kelic v Surendra Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1257
- Kemp v Pinzone (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 2443
- Keriani Pty Ltd v Long Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1212
- Kertis v Gurleyen (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 208
- Kevin v Toussipour (Costs) (Building and Property COSTS APPLICATION DISMISSED) [2019] VCAT 833.
- Kevin v Toussipour (Costs) (Building and Property COSTS APPLICATION DISMISSED) [2019] VCAT 833
- Kevlar Carpenters Pty Ltd v Good Constructions Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 2040
- Khan v Kimitsis t as Quest Building Domestic Building [201
- Khan v Kimitsis trading as Quest Building Domestic Building
- Khani E v Simonds Homes (Building and Property CONSUMER AMBIT NON SUBSTANTIATED CLAIMS) [2019] VCAT 1446
- Khrapko v Southern Cross Education Institute Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1390
- Kierce v Morris Architects Pty Ltd
- King v Adra Developments
- Kitchen By Matric Pty Ltd v Citadel Group (Victoria) Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 723
- Knell v Rucusic (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 1964
- Kong v Bich (Building and Property ESTOPPLE) [2019] VCAT 1638
- Kong v Rajaratnam (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 204
- Konko v Kamay (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 524
- Konko v Kamay (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 966
- Konsol v M.L.E. Homes Pty Ltd (Building and Property TERMINATION OF BUILDER CLAIM [2019] VCAT 1065
- Korfiatis v Tremaine Developments Pty Ltd Domestic Building
- Koroit Nominees Pty Ltd v SPEC Property Development Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1063
- Koroneos v Koroneos (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 461
- Koroneos v Koroneos (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 766
- Kotruc v Mod Homes Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2008] VCAT 2
- Kotsiris v Kartsidimas & Anor (Domestic Building) [2009] VCA
- Kottai v Scope Constructions Vic Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1461
- Kottmeier v Dragicevic (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1628
- Kounelis v Ross Horton Homes Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 319
- Krivokuca v Mahesan Domestic Building [2011] VCAT 2265
- Krongold Constructions Australia Pty Ltd v Worsfold D (1)
- Krongold Constructions Australia Pty Ltd v Worsfold D (2)
- Krongold Constructions Australia Pty Ltd v Worsfold Domes
- Kundu v HMN Constructions Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 602
- Kweifio Okai v Vero Insurance (Domestic Building) [2007] VCA
- Kweifio-Okai v Vero Insurance (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 751
- Kyle v Wilson (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 544
- Kyle v Wilson (Building and Property BUILDER DEFECTS + 15% MARGIN + EXPERT RE CORDELLS) [2018] VCAT 1446
- Kyle v Wilson (Building and Property DAMAGES BREACH OF CONTRACT BY CONSUMER) [2018] VCAT 1446
- Kyle v Wilson (Building and Property DETERMINATION OF A BUILDING CONTRACT) [2019] VCAT 936
- Kyrou v Contractors Bonding Limited (Domestic Building) [200
- L and M Shoebridge Constructions v Homes For Today Pty Ltd
- LBC Constructions v Capital Bridge D497 2001
- LEGFIN Pty Ltd v Anthony Building and Property [2015] VCAT 986
- Laauwen v Wilson Parking Australia 1982 Pty Ltd trading as W
- Laffeber v Tankpool Pty Ltd (Building and Property DEFECTS & FITT FOR PURPOSE MATERIALS ) [2019] VCAT 1270
- Lancucki v Lotriet (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 1420
- Larsson v Priftis (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 2130
- Larsson v Priftis Constructions (Building and Property DECEPTIVE CONDUCT & COSTS HEARING) [2019] VCAT 952
- Laughlin v Certainteed Windows Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1793
- Laughlin v Certainteed Windows Pty Ltd (Building and Property Joinder C.Aird) [2016] VCAT 1553
- Lawler v Arad (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 2368
- Lawley v Terrace Designs (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 963
- Lawley v Terrace Designs Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [2007]
- Lawley
- Lawson v Baguley (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 236
- Lazarous v Kypri (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 2148
- Le v Calibre Built Developments Pty Ltd (Building and Property REFUND OF DEPOSIT LESS COSTS) [2019] VCAT 1133
- Leader Homes Pty Ltd v Talluri (Building and Property FINAL PAYMENT VARIATIONS) [2019] VCAT 497
- Lee v A.C.N. 132 709 105 Building and Property [2015] VCAT 982
- Lee v Creative Lifestyles Homes Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 511
- Leeda Projects Pty Ltd v Zeng (Building and Property CERTIFICATION BY ARCHITECT PROGRESS CLAIM) [2018] VCAT 679
- Lefkas Builders Pty Ltd v Dondas Constructions Pty Ltd (Dome
- Leonard Joel Pty Ltd v Australian Technical Approvals Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1781
- Leonard v Noy Domestic Building [2008] VCAT 1478
- Leonard v Noy No 2 Domestic Building [2008] VCAT 2085
- Leonello Service Centre Pty Ltd v Rany Pty Ltd (Building and Property RETAIL LEASES) [2019] VCAT 1752
- Leung v Harris (Building and Property) [2019 APPLICATION FOR COSTS] VCAT 608
- Leung v Harris (Building and Property LEAKS & WATER INGRESS + MOULD) [2018] VCAT 1630
- Level 353 Pty Ltd v Granopa Holdings Pty Ltd & Anor (Building and Property ) [2015] VCAT 1874
- Levin v C & J Designer Homes (Member R.Walker D288 2014 Experts Opinion) 02 06 2015
- Li v Mega Constructions (Aus) Pty Ltd (Building and Property CONTRACT DISPUTE) [2018] VCAT 641
- Li v So (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 31
- Lim v Metricon Homes Pty Ltd Building and Property Site Soil Dumped [2014] VCAT 1349
- Lin Lin v P & T Constructions (Judge Jenkins VCAT D182 2014) 10 09 2014
- Lin Tiger Plastering Pty Ltd v Platinum Constructions (VIC) Pty Ltd (Building and Property SUB CONTRACTOR DISPUTE) [2019] VCAT 1273
- Lin v P & T Constructions (Judge Jenkins Costs Orders D182 2014) 19 12 2014
- Lindsay v Shepp Creative Concrete Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1501
- Lines v Burbank Australia (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 75
- Lisa He
- Liszka v Mirvac Victoria Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1106
- Little Legs Play Centre Ptgy Ltd v Speranza Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1158
- Liubinas v Vicport Fisheries Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 927
- Liubinas v Vicport Fisheries Pty Ltd (No 2) (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1893
- Lloyd L Watkins Pty Ltd v Vondrasek (Domestic Building) [20
- Lombardi trading as Tony Lombardi Building Services v McDonald
- Longbow Constructions Pty Ltd v D'Orto (Building and Property COSTS CLAIM) [2018] VCAT 1529
- Lots of Cuddles Childcare Pty Ltd v Golden Sunshine Coast Pty Ltd (Building and Property RETAIL LEASE) [2019] VCAT 1023
- Loughran v Hasham (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 2067
- Loughran v Hasham (Building and Property OWNERSHIP OF A BUILDING) [2018] VCAT 586
- Lovelace Trotter v Ringwood Engineering Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1237
- Lovering v Suncorp Metway Insurance (Domestic Building) (1)
- Lovering v Suncorp Metway Insurance (Domestic Building) [200
- Lu v Li (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1998
- Lu v Li (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 518
- Lu v Oakmont Properties Pty Ltd (Building and Property S75 STRIKE OUT D.EPSTEIN) [2018] 1276
- Lucas v Lizio (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 447
- Lucas v Lizio (No 2) (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 689
- Luchio Nominees Pty Ltd v Epping Fresh Food Market Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1535
- Luchio Nominees Pty Ltd v Epping Fresh Food Market Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 937 (Revised)
- Luchio Nominees Pty Ltd v Epping Fresh Food Market Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 937
- Luchio Nominees Pty Ltd v Epping Fresh Food Market Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 969
- Luchio Nominees Pty Ltd v Epping Fresh Food Market Pty Ltd (Building and Property)
- Luck Empire Pty Ltd v Lewis Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1510
- Lucky Eights Pty Ltd v Bevendale Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1600
- Lucky Eights Pty Ltd v Bevendale Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1807
- Lucky Eights Pty Ltd v Bevendale Pty Ltd (Building and Property LEASE EPPING PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER) [2019] VCAT 1668
- Ludbey v FRP Pools and Spas Pty Ltd (Building and Property POOL DISPUTE) [2018] VCAT 408
- Lumley General Insurance Ltd v King Domestic Building [200
- Luo & Anor v Reynson Concepts Pty Ltd Domestic Building (1)
- Luo & Anor v Reynson Concepts Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2
- Luu v Thai Domestic Building [2010] VCAT 646
- Lynch v Long Island Properties Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 378
- M&M Pty Ltd v 600 Collins Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1830
- M.Honan & N.Dean v Vero Warranty D106 2010
- M.Koromilas v Housing Guarantee Fund D807 2002
- MD & Griggs Pty Ltd v DWH Pty Ltd (No 2) (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 2159
- MD & S Griggs Pty Ltd v DWH Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1718
- MK Building Group Pty Ltd v Eagle Cove Pty Ltd Domestic Bui
- MRP Carpenters & Builders Pty Ltd v C & N Constructions Aus
- MX Projects Pty Ltd v Hyber Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [20
- M.B.C. Shotcrete Pty Ltd v Bullion Building and Construct
- Ma v Stogiannou (Building and Property LANDSCAPING CLAIM) [2018] VCAT 1942
- Macdonald v Peter Tins Design and Sales Consultants Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1595
- Mackay v Knight Domestic Building [2008] VCAT 1612
- Mackay v Knight Domestic Building [2009] VCAT 911
- Mackie Pty Ltd v Republic of Turkey (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 129
- Mackie and Staff Pty Ltd v Mueller (Domestic Building) [2006
- Mackie and Staff v Frederick (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT
- Mackie v Republic of Turkey (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 620
- Mackinlay v Tonkin Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1100
- Maclaw No 651 Pty Ltd v Pacific Indemnity Underwriting Agenc
- Maclaw No 651 Pty Ltd v Renaissance Projects (Domestic Build
- Maddineni v Commissioner of State Revenue Review and Regulation [2014] VCAT 1088
- Magaporo v Ashford Homes Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2012]
- Maitland v Housing Guarantee Fund (Domestic Building) [2005]
- Makrenos v Papaioannou (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 1074
- Makrenos v Papaioannou (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 641
- Makrenos v Papaioannou (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 959
- Malcolm v Brurob Nominees Pty Ltd t as Langford Jones Homes Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 276
- Mandel Nominees Pty Ltd v Spare Change Sunshine Pty Ltd (Building and Property COSTS APPLICATION RETAIL LEASES) [2019] VCAT 1391
- Mann v Tomma Fashions Pty Ltd tas Pizzazz Interiors Domesti
- Marc & Adam Station Pier Pty Ltd v Schiavello Bros Properties Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1905
- Mardel Constructions Pty Ltd v Sinha Domestic Building (1)
- Mardel Constructions Pty Ltd v Sinha Domestic Building (2)
- Mardel Constructions Pty Ltd v Sinha Domestic Building [20
- Margaret Smith v Glenneagles Homes D391 2004
- Marjen Homes Pty Ltd v Roth (Building and Property RECOVERY OF VARIATIONS) [2019] VCAT 1937
- Mark Ward Trading Pty Ltd v Ball & Ors (Building and Property CONTEMPT CHARGE) [2018] VCAT 1998
- Marque Property Group Pty Ltd v Bowen Building Constructions Pty Ltd (Building and Property Bricklayor) [2016] VCAT 1133
- Marques v Vamos (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 458
- Marriott v Techcor Developments (Domestic Building) [200 (1)
- Marriott v Techcor Developments (Domestic Building) [2006] V
- Martin v Fasham Johnson Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [2006]
- Martin v Fasham Johnson Pty Ltd No 1 (Domestic Building) [20
- Martin v Fasham Johnson Pty Ltd No 2 (Domestic Building) [20
- Martin v Fasham Johnson (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 680
- Mason v Hill Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1346
- Matan Properties Pty Ltd v Waterson Domestic Building [200
- Mathers v McColley (Building and Property OWNERSHIP IN LAND COMMON SHARES) [2019] VCAT 1230
- Mathers v Skinner & Ors Domestic Building [2009] VCAT 975
- Matti v Girstun & Anor Domestic Building [2009] VCAT 2338
- Matti v Girstun Domestic Building [2009] VCAT 357
- May Constructions (Residential) Pty Ltd v Creative Property Developments Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1314
- May Constructions (Residential) Pty Ltd v Creative Property Developments Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 484
- May Constructions (Residential) Pty Ltd v Creative Property Developments (Building and Property PRIVILIDGED DOCUMENTS) [2019] VCAT 519
- May Constructions (Residential) Pty Ltd v Creative Property Developments Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2019 PRIVILIGED INFORMATION] VCAT 519
- McClafferty v Greg Smith Pty Ltd (Building and Property JOINDER APPLICATION REFUSED) [2019] VCAT 299
- McColley v Mathers (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1529
- McDougall v Rock Solid Renos Pty Ltd (Building and Property REFUND OF MONIES) 2018 VCAT 933
- McInness Developments Pty Ltd v Detering Domestic Building
- McLeod trading as Retro Roof'n v Onley Constructions Victori
- McNiece v Vella Building and Property [2015] VCAT 271
- McQueen v Destiny Rise Pty Ltd (Building and Property WRONGLY ISSUED HOME WARRANTY POLICY) [2019] VCAT 1613
- McQueen v Destiny Rise Pty Ltd (Building and PropertyJOINDER OF PARTIES) [2019] VCAT 1613
- Meadsview Pty Ltd v Fenton (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1249
- Meadsview Pty Ltd v Fenton (Building and Property COSTS HEARING) [2019] VCAT 934
- Meier v Balbin Building and Property [2015] VCAT 306
- Meladone Pty Ltd v Walden (Building and Property PLUMBING WORK+MATES) [2019] VCAT 241
- Melborough Pty Ltd v Vero Insurance Ltd Domestic Building
- Melbourne Anglican Trust Corporation v Brunswick Town Hall Kebab Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1413
- Melbourne Anglican Trust Corporation v Brunswick Town Hall Kebab Pty Ltd (Costs) (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 2036
- Melbourne Finest Plastering Pty Ltd v Pro Image Plaster (Aust) Pty Ltd (Building and Property SUB CONTRACT PLASTER WORK) [2019] VCAT 1832
- Melbourne Gourmet Foods Pty Ltd v Lawther (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 160
- Mem Nominees Pty Ltd v Cheng (Building and PropertyLEAKING BALCONY) [2018] VCAT 1805
- Mem Nominees Pty Ltd v Chun Jian Cheng (Building and Property COST ORDERS SEC 109) VCAT 1101
- Merolli trading as Mercon Merrolli Concrete Constructions v Timetrex Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1382
- Merrylees v Guica Building and Property [2014] VCAT 838
- Mig Textiles v Leon Myer Achitects D595 2004
- Milani Pty Ltd v Australia Nice Flooring Warehouse Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1757
- Milani Pty Ltd v Orangi (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1784
- Milankovic v Binyun Pty Ltd & Ors (Domestic Building) [2009]
- Milankovic v Binyun Pty Ltd
- Miller v Martin (Building and Property) V2 [2016] VCAT 854 (3 June 2016)
- Miller v Martin (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 854 (3 June 2016)
- Miller v Martin (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 854 V2 (3 June 2016)
- Miller v Martin (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 854
- Miller v Martin and Ors (Building and Property OWNERSHIP OF LAND) [2020] VCAT 29
- Mills v Rubenstein (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 586
- Milonas v Insurance Australia Limited (Building and Property POOL BUILDER) [2020] VCAT 26
- Miskec v Paragon Estate Pty Ltd (Building and Property DEFECT ASSESMENT) [2019] VCAT 1741
- Mission Express Pty Ltd v Hewcon Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 699
- Mission Express Pty Ltd v Hewcon Pty Ltd [2016] VCAT 919
- Mohamady v Protek Building Surveying Pty Ltd (Building and Property FLOOD LEVELS) [2017] VCAT 1164
- Mohamed v Mahmic Building and Property [2015] VCAT 55
- Mohamed v Pollara Building and Proeprty [2014] VCAT 1291
- Mohamed v Pollara Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1085
- Mohamed v Pollara Building and Property [2015] VCAT 55
- Momeni v Armus Persia Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 991
- Monaghan v Saligari (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1800
- Monty Manufacturing Pty Ltd v Platt & Ors (Domestic Building
- Monty Manufacturing Pty Ltd v Platt Domestic Building [2013] VCAT 2137
- Monty Manufacturing Pty Ltd v Platt Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 58
- Moore v Adra Developments
- Moretti v CGU Insurance Ltd
- Morey v Auslong Development Management Pty Ltd (Building and Property ORDERED SALE OF LAND) [2020] VCAT 51
- Morley v May (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 1300
- Morphett v Skabaw Pty Ltd trading as Detailed Homes and Anor
- Morphett v Skabaw Pty Ltd
- Morris v 101 Construction Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 186
- Mortise & Tenon Construction Pty Ltd v Rong Qi Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1907
- Motevali v Moniton Proprietary Limited (Building and Property RENTAL OFFSET FOR DEFECTS) [2019] VCAT 531
- Moussa v Herben (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 560
- Moutidis v Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd Domestic Buildin
- Moutidis v Housing Guarantee Fund (Domestic Building) [2 (1)
- Moutidis v Housing Guarantee Fund (Domestic Building) [2006]
- Mrocki v Mountview Prestige Homes Pty Ltd Domestic Building
- Mt Holden Estates v Lanigan Baldwin (Civil Claims) [2005] VC
- Muirhead v Hazlett (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1236
- Munene v Down Town Entertainment Pty Ltd (Building and Property COSTS APPLICATION) [2019] VCAT 1510
- Mynd Electrics Pty Ltd v Evans (Civil Claims) [2023] VCAT 237
- N and J Rogers Pty Ltd trading as Performance Pools v Rippin
- NZH Pty Ltd v Mintvale Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 197
- N.Z. Constructions v Vero Insurance Ltd (Domestic Buildin
- Nair v CDD Building Construction and Import Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 145
- Nashed v AMT Design and Construction Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 208
- Nashed v AMT Design and Constuction Pty Ltd (Repudiation & Taking Occupancy before Completion) [2017] VCAT 1641)
- Needlin Pty Ltd v Conell (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 496
- Neerim Property Developments Pty Ltd v Japutra (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1536
- Neil Fletcher Design Pty Ltd v Fullinfaw (Building and Property 15% INCREASE IN COST TERMINATION) [2018] VCAT 188
- Nettle Architects Pty Ltd v Jilla (Building and Property DEBT RECOVERY) [2018] VCAT 256
- Newlands v Ratcliffe Building Group Pty Ltd
- Ngatoko v Giannopoulos (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 360
- Nguyen v Dragicevic (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1629
- Nguyen v Shetu Building and Property [2014] VCAT 864
- Nicholson v Nicholson (Building and Property APPLICATION FOR COSTS) [2019] VCAT 1123
- Nicinski v Chemay (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 649
- Nicola v Immanuel Homes Pty Ltd (Building and Property List) [2017] VCAT 1673
- Nielsen v Elliot (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 562
- Noordene Constructions Pty Ltd v Royal Solid Plaster Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 677
- Noordene Constructions Pty Ltd v Royal Solid Plaster Pty Ltd [2017] VCAT 677
- Notaro v Evolve Living Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 329
- Nu Inovations Pty Ltd v Weather Masters Roofing Pty Ltd (Building and Property ROOF DEFECTS) [2018] VCAT 530
- Nunan Builders v Vero (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 2032
- O'Brien v American Home Designs Pty Ltd (Building and Property) 2018 VCAT 1081
- O'Connell v Bernie Kelly Constructions Pty Ltd (ACN 085 049
- O'Dea v Brurob Nominees Pty Ltd (Building and Property HANDOVER DEFECTS) [2019] VCAT 794
- O'Donnell v Absolute Builders Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 952
- O'Hehir v Building Practitioners Board Review and Regulation [2015] VCAT 113
- O'Neill v Steer Developments Pty Ltd & Anor Domestic Buildi
- Oakmont Properties Pty Ltd v Zhang (Building and Property) [2019 APPEAL TO SUPREME COURT] VCAT 431
- Oakmont Properties Pty Ltd v Zhang (Building and Property REPUDIATION) [2019] VCAT 92
- Okil and Rajput v Lu and Turner (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 525
- Old Fairhaven Homes v Fidone (Domestic Building) [2011] VCAT
- Olivera v Google Homes Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 835
- Omega Pool and Spa Pty v Connolly (Domestic Building) [2006]
- Orange Building Solutions Pty Ltd v Inkerman Property Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property BANK GUARANTEE) [2018] VCAT 696
- Owen v Rechtman (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 1651
- Owners Corporation & Ors v Moresi Builders Pty Ltd (ACN 007
- Owners Corporation 1 PS523454S v L.U Simon Builders Pty Ltd (Building and Property MULTY UNIT CLAIM BY OWNERS) [2018] VCAT 987
- Owners Corporation 1 PS538430Y v H Building Pty Ltd (ACN 091 236 912) (under external administration) (Building and Property BODY CORPORATE CLAIM) [2019] VCAT 680doc
- Owners Corporation 1 PS615117A v Seascape Construction Pty Ltd (Security for Costs Application) [2016] VCAT 1870
- Owners Corporation 1 Plan No PS63800J v Equiset Construction Melbourne Pty Ltd (Building and Property BODY CORPORATE CLAIM) [2019] VCAT 671
- Owners Corporation 2 Plan No PS515508R v MAV Group Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1025
- Owners Corporation 2 v MAV Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 661
- Owners Corporation No 1 PS611203E v Furman Constructions Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1282
- Owners Corporation No 514665E v Sunland Constructions Vic
- Owners Corporation No. 1 PS537642N v Hickory Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1683
- Owners Corporation No.1 PS526704E v LendLease Engineering Pty Ltd (Building and Property STATUTE BARRED CLAIMS) [2019] VCAT 1909
- Owners Corporation No.1 of PS613436T v L.U. Simon Builders Pty Ltd (No 3) (Building and Property) 2018 VCAT 1448
- Owners Corporation No.1 of PS613436T v Lu Simon Builders Pty Ltd (Building and Property FIRE ISSUES) [2018] VCAT 812
- Owners Corporation No.1 of PS613436T v Lu Simon Builders Pty Ltd (No 2) (Building and Property LACROSS) [2018] VCAT 880
- Owners Corporation PS 414106B v Victorian Managed Insura (1)
- Owners Corporation PS 414106B v Victorian Managed Insurance
- Owners Corporation PS 447493 v Burbank Australia Pty Ltd (Balconys & Statute Barred) [2016] VCAT 2004
- Owners Corporation PS 517 029T v Hickory Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 731
- Owners Corporation PS 542601 Y v Phenix Holdings Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1235
- Owners Corporation PS 630765 v Ascot Constructions Pty Ltd (Building and Property IN LIQUIDATION) [2018] VCAT 1884
- Owners Corporation PS No. 1 PS 519798G v May [2016] VCAT 399
- Owners Corporation PS511749 v Vero Insurance and Ors (Domest
- Owners Corporation PS646781P v Verve Constructions Pty Ltd (Building and Property BODY CORPORATE CLAIM) [2019] VCAT 642
- Owners Corporation PS646781P v Verve Constructions Pty Ltd (Building and Property OWNERS CORP) [2018] VCAT 1700
- Owners Corporation Plan 1 Plan No PS543073S v Eastrise Constructions Proprietary Ltd (Building & Property SECTION 134 TEN YEAR STATUTE OF LIABILITIES ) [2019 VCAT 1639
- Owners Corporation Plan 445653U v Vero Insurance Ltd
- Owners Corporation Plan No PS 438902Q v Suncorp Metway Insur
- Owners Corporation RP002044 v Finch (Owners Corporation) [2018 NON PAID LEVIES] VCAT 1215
- Owners Corporation SP27589F v Roberts (Owners Corporations SUBDIVIDING AN EXISTING BODY CORP) [2019] VCAT 723.
- Owners Corporation v Furman Constructions
- Owusu Afriyie v Panoramic Structures and Pools Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 485
- P & J Simone Holdings Pty Ltd v QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1683
- P N and B Design & Construction v Vero Insurance Ltd (Domest
- P.J. Shopfitting Pty Ltd v Lashwood Pty Ltd Domestic Buildi
- P.Micallef v Just Unique Constructions D711 2004
- Pacific Metal Group Pty Ltd & anor v Koga Nominees Pty Ltd & anor [2018] VSC 455; (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1274
- Pacrete Industries Pty Ltd v Hendriks D6 2009
- Pacrete Industries Pty Ltd v Hendriks Domestic Building [2
- Page v Allen D348 2010
- Pahor v Mirvac Victoria Pty Ltd (Building and Property [2018] VCAT 1105
- Palachanda v Carreras trading as Carreras Construction Group Building and Property [2015] VCAT 748
- Palinic v Palinic (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 32
- Papadopoulos v Hands Free Painting Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1366
- Parisi v Compass Pools (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 425
- Parrion Holdings Pty Ltd v Kordas (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1659
- Parsons v Stat Bay Pty Ltd (Building and Property SECTION 134 of ACT TEN YEAR STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS) (No 2) [2019] VCAT 1563
- Parsons v Stat Bay Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 297
- Pascoe v Gianello (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1903
- Paterson Constructions Pty Ltd v Mann (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 2100
- Pearce v Rasmussen (Building and Property) [2017] V2 VCAT 222
- Pearce v Rasmussen (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 222
- Pearmain v AJ Solutions Pty Ltd (ACN 141 342 332) (Domestic
- Pell Five Pty Ltd v SMTP Nominees Pty Ltd (Building and Property RETAIL LEASE) [2019] VCAT 1683
- Pellizzer v Buckley (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 1910
- Pellizzer v Buckley (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 255
- Performance Builders v Keele (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT
- Perry v Binios (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 1604
- Perry v Binios trading as Building Inspirations of Australia
- Peterson Homes Pty Ltd v Paalep Domestic Building [2010] V
- Phan v Tran (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1503
- Philip Hocking Project Management v Portdome & Ors (Domestic
- Phillips Constructions Pty Ltd v Nicosia (Mortar & Brick Cleaning) [2017] VCAT 1445
- Phillips Constructions Pty Ltd v Nicosia (No 2) (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 2069
- Phillips v Abel (Building and Property RETAIL LEASE) [2019] VCAT 1031
- Phillips v Phillip Island Sheds Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 569
- Philtom Developments v Vero Insurance D638 2004
- Photo Image Works Pty Ltd v M3 Property Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 406
- Pieterse v A V Jennings Ltd (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT
- Plyboard Distributors Pty Ltd v Apostolopoulos (Building and Property CABINETT MAKER DEBT RECOVERY) [2019] VCAT 573
- Polzella v Govern Constructions Pty Ltd (Civil Claims FLOOR DEFECTS & EXPERTS) [2018] VCAT 1675
- practice note domestic building 1
- Pratley Constructions v Racine [2004] VCAT 2035
- Pratley v Racine (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 638
- Pratley v Racine (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 159
- Preena v Pryda Developments Pty Ltd Domestic Building (1)
- Preena v Pryda Developments Pty Ltd Domestic Building [201
- Previsic v Fulton (Building and Property WATER ACT APPLICATION) [2020] VCAT 6
- Price v Goodrem Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1409
- Primesite Pty Ltd v Mylonakis (Building and Property ENGAGMENT OF ESCAVATOR) [2018] VCAT 727
- Profield Building and Design Pty Ltd v Friedrich (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 323
- Pumpa v Goulburn Murray Rural Water Corporation Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1101
- Puri v Viss Group Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1104
- Puri v Viss Group Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 502
- Quantin Pty Ltd v Yang (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1642
- Quantin Pty Ltd v Yang (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1643
- Quian v Rattana (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1449
- Quigley v Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water Corporation Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1325
- Quinlan v Sinclair (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT 1063
- R&E Ward v Vero Insurance D166 2005
- RF Construction Management Pty Ltd v Castlemar Investmen (1)
- RF Construction Management Pty Ltd v Castlemar Investmen (2)
- RF Construction Management Pty Ltd v Castlemar Investments P
- R.M.H. Bricklayers Pty Ltd v D. Henry (Domestic Building)
- Radan Constructions Pty Ltd v Palladium Developments (Domest
- Radan Constructions Pty Ltd v Palladium Developments Pty Ltd
- Radan Constructions v Australian International Insurance (Do
- Radan Constructions v Palladium Developments (Domestic Build
- Radcraft Pty Ltd v Allenbrae Properties Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1165
- Raline Industries PL v MJPE Investments PL (Domestic Buildin
- Rangeview Building Pty Ltd v Wilson (Domestic Building) [2007
- Raniti CBMS Pty Ltd v Ryan (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 281
- Raniti CBMS Pty Ltd v Ryan (Building and Property COSTS APPLICATION) [2018] VCAT 1596
- Rayyanisa Pty Ltd v Badihi (Building and Property DAMAGES CLAIM CONSULTANCY) [2019] VCAT 452
- Re Small Business Commissioner Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1194
- Reed v Weis (Building and Property TRANSPORTED HOME DAMAGES) 2018 VCAT 1440
- Rees v Vero Insurance Ltd (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 12
- Regulation Pty Ltd v Platinum Building Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property BUILDING DEFECTS EXPERT EVIDENCE) [2019] VCAT 1294
- Renfree v Walter E. Jones Valuers Pty Ltd (Owners Corporations OWNERS CORPORATION DISPUTE) [2018] VCAT 1701
- Rescom Const v Woodcrest Inv (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT
- Rescom Constructions v Woodcrest Investments (Domestic Build
- Resdal Corp (Vic) Pty Ltd v Daiso Industries (Australia) Pty Ltd (Building and Property RETAIL LEASE) [2019] VCAT 2035
- Resdal Corp (Vic) Pty Ltd v Maliad Pty Ltd (Building and Property RETAIL LEASES BREACH OF) [2019] VCAT 1499
- Rexhepi v Vero Warranty & Anor Domestic Building [2007] VC
- Riabczenko v Riabczenko (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 2025
- Rich River Developments Pty Ltd v Cusmano (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 765
- Riffat v Riffat (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1398
- Risi Pty Ltd v Pin Oak Holdings (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1112
- Risi Pty Ltd v Pin Oak Holdings Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 95
- River View Pty Ltd v Primrose Meadows Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1623
- River View Pty Ltd v Primrose Meadows Pty Ltd (Costs) (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 631.
- Rivoli Court Mount Waverley Pty Ltd v USI Homes Pty Ltd Joinder Application[2014] VCAT 553
- Ro N Co Construction Pty Ltd v Clausen Domestic Building [
- Roach v Nava Homes Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1861
- Roads Corporation v Bluestone Leisure Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1688
- Roberts v Chung Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 142
- Roberts v Jassam Property Developments Pty Ltd (Domestic Bui
- Robertson v Stubbs (Building and Property DEFECTIVE WALL & FLOOR TILING) [2019] VCAT 2021
- Robinson v George Rydell Constructions Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 823
- Roderick v SACS One Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2012] VCAT
- Roe v Housing Guarantee Fund Limited (Victorian Managed Insu
- Roe v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (Formerly Housin
- Romantic Homes Pty Ltd v Marcus & Anor Domestic Building [
- Roscon Developments v Buckerfield (Domestic Building) [2006]
- Rose v Hoare (Building and Property WATER FLOW UNIT DEVELOPMENT) [2019] VCAT 1343
- Rosenthal Munckton & Shields Pty Ltd v McGregor (Domestic Bu
- Row International Australia Limited (ACN 081 136 352) v Indevelco PL
- Rustom trading as Snab Home Builders v Ismail D394 2010
- Rustom trading as Snab Home Improvements v Ismail Domestic
- Rustom trading as Snab Home Improvements v Souleiman Domest
- Ryan v E J Lowe trading as Urbane Builders (Domestic Buildin
- Ryan v Edward John Lowe trading as Urbane Builders (Domestic
- Ryan v Housing Guarantee Fund Ltd (Domestic Building) [2007]
- Ryan v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (Domestic Build
- Ryestreet Pty Ltd v Dayview Window Company (Aust) Pty Ltd
- Ryestreet Pty Ltd v Dayview Window Company Aust Pty Ltd
- S & L Graham Developments Pty Ltd v Campeyn Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 752
- S 3 Sth Melb Pty Ltd v Red Pepper Property Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1684
- S.Baines v Terrace Designs D145 2004
- S.Hanna v Henley Properties D378 2007
- S3 Sth Melbourne Pty Ltd v Red Pepper Property Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property RETAIL LEASE+OUTGOINGS) [2019] VCAT 1794 13 11 2019
- S3 Sth Melbourne Pty Ltd v Red Pepper Property Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property RETAIL LEASE+OUTGOINGS) [2019] VCAT 1794
- SBG Building Group Pty Ltd v Medler (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 934
- SC Land Richmond Pty Ltd v Dura (Australia) Constructions P
- SC Land Richmond Pty Ltd v Dura (Australia) Constructions Pt
- Sahbegovic v Mujcinovic Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1213
- Saleeba v Yarram Court Management Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1157
- Salerno v Stonehenge Homes & Associates Pty Ltd Domestic Bu
- Salmanzadeh v Janville Homes Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1461
- Salta Constructions Pty Ltd v Solid Investments Australia Pt
- Salton v Gavriliuc trading as Euro Tile Tiling Domestic B
- Sandman v Extension Factory (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT
- Sandman v Extension Factory Custom Designers and Builders (D
- Sarrinikolaou v Gazoza Pty Ltd (Building and Property [2017] VCAT 1596
- Sartor v Theos Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1312
- Sawan v Freedom Pools & Spas Victoria Pty Ltd (No 2) (Building and Property SWIMMING POOL) [2018] VCAT 2020
- Sawan v Freedom Pools and Spas Victoria Pty Ltd (Building and Property POOL BUILD SCOPE ISSUES) [2018] VCAT 475
- Sayed Rustom (trading as Snab Home Improvements) v Ismail (
- Sayed Rustom v Daghistani Domestic Building [2008] VCAT 11
- Schultz trading as Panther Designer Homes and Ors v Duncombe
- Schultz trading as Panther Designer Homes v Turcan trading a
- Seachange Management Pty Lt v Bevnol Constructions & Develop
- Seachange Management Pty Ltd (ACN 091 443 211) v Bevnol Cons
- Seachange Management Pty Ltd v Bevnol Constructions & De (1)
- Seachange Management Pty Ltd v Bevnol Constructions & De (2)
- Seachange Management Pty Ltd v Bevnol Constructions & De (3)
- Seachange Management Pty Ltd v Bevnol Constructions & De (4)
- Seachange Management Pty Ltd v Bevnol Constructions & De (5)
- Seachange Management Pty Ltd v Bevnol Constructions & De (6)
- Seachange Management Pty Ltd v Bevnol Constructions & De (7)
- Seachange Management Pty Ltd v Bevnol Constructions & Devel
- Seachange Management Pty Ltd v Bevnol Constructions & Develo
- Seachange Management Pty Ltd v Bevnol Constructions
- Seachange v Bevnol Constructions (Domestic Building) [2007]
- Seecamp v Michael Parker Building Pty Ltd (Building and Property TOS SECOND BITE OF THE CHERRY) [2018] VCAT 1806
- Seppings v Contractors Bonding Limited (Domestic Building) [
- Serong v Dependable Developments Pty Ltd Domestic Building
- Seventy Eighth Evolution v Vero Insurance D164 2005
- Shahabadi v Sunwise Constructions Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1953
- Shao v A G Advanced Construction Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1903
- Shao v A.G. Advanced Construction Pty Ltd (Building and Property BUILDER DETERMINATION & FLOW ON OF COSTS) [2020] VCAT 14
- Shao v Pontidis (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1865
- Sharma v Lantrak Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018 DBDRV CERTIFICATE REQ] VCAT 911
- Sharma v SJ Builders Pty Ltd (Building and Property DEFECTS) [2018] VCAT 1305
- Sharp v Vurmeski trading as I V Preferred Tiling D591 2010
- Shaw & Moss v Australian Country Retreats Pty Ltd Domestic
- Shaw v Gaid Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1509
- Sheehan v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority & Anor (Dome
- Sheehan v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority Domestic Bu
- Sheehy v Wozza's (Concreting & Bobcat) D145 2010
- Shekar v Nada Domestic Builders (Domestic Building) [2007] V
- Shelcon Pty Ltd v Duhovic (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 10
- Shelcon v Duhovic (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 960
- Sherridon Pty Ltd v Bayraktar (Building and Property INCOMPLETE WORK & DEFECTS) [2019] VCAT 1863
- Sherridon v Bayraktar (Building and Property COSTS APPLICATION) [2019] VCAT 1352
- Sherrington v Hewcon Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2008] VCAT
- Sherwood v Sherwood No3 Costs Hearing Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1037
- Shetland Nominees Pty Ltd tas Choice Cabinets v Glenvill Pt
- Shetland Nominees Pty Ltd trading as Choice Cabinets v G (1)
- Shetland Nominees Pty Ltd trading as Choice Cabinets v Glenv
- Shumsky v Visintin Building and Property [2015] VCAT 172
- Sigal v Astakhov (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 456
- Sightway Construction Pty Ltd v Jayasinghe (Building and Property DEBT RECOVERY CONCRETE SLAB) [2018] VCAT 676
- Sightway Constructions Pty Ltd v JayaJayasinghee (Building and Property CALDERBANK OFFER) [2018] VCAT 1754
- Silkwood Dream Pty Ltd v Luca (Domestic Building) [2010] VCA
- Silkwood Dream Pty Ltd v Luca Domestic Building [2010] VCA
- Silvapulle v Sturt Street Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1255
- Sim and Anor v Aerox Builder Pty Ltd (ACN 133 716 382) (Dom
- Singh v Webb and Anor (Building and Property WATER LEAKS UNIT DEVELOPMENT JOINDER) [2019] VCAT 1834
- Sinopoli v Comperatore (Building and Property DEFECTS TO STORM WATER DRAINS) [2019] VCAT 266
- Sizenko v Unique Windows and Security Doors (Domestic Buildi
- Skec v Henley Arch Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) (correction o
- Skec v Henley Arch Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2009] VCAT 8
- Sky Communications Aust Pty Ltd (ACN 624 723 995) v 38 Pacific DR Pty Ltd (ACN 155 122 473) (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 781
- Sleep Overs Group Pty Ltd v Monreale Holdings Pty Ltd (Building and Property TENNACY LEASE) [2019] VCAT 796
- Small Business Commissioner reference for advisory opinion Building and Property [2015] VCAT 478
- Smart v Berry (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 540
- Smith & Anor v Elhan trading as Statewide Concrete Paving D
- Smith v Chy (Building and Property LANDSCAPING WORK) [2018] VCAT 758
- Smith v Henley Arch Pty Ltd (Vice President C.Aird Building and Property JOINDER PRINCIPLES) [2019] VCAT 2024
- Smith v Sunpower Design Pty Ltd (Building and Property PCD Agreement) [2018] VCAT 323
- Smythe v Vero Insurance (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 2714
- Snowden Developments Pty Ltd v Hogan (Domestic Building) [20
- Snowdon Developments Pty Ltd v Biyan (Domestic Building) [20
- Snowdon Developments v Actpen Pty Ltd [2006] VCAT 291
- Snowy Corner Pty Ltd v Sperling Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1292
- Softley v Metricon (Judge McNamara & Cameron VCAT D1333 2012) 11 12 2014
- Spectre Group Pty Ltd v Webb (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1944
- Spectrum Design Group Pty Ltd v North Nut Brown Pty Ltd (Building and Property CONSULTING FEES CLAIM) [2019] VCAT 926
- Spectrum Design Group Pty Ltd v North Nut Brown Pty Ltd (Building and Property ORDERS AS TO COSTS) [2019] VCAT 1649)
- Speechley v Midway Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1014
- Speechley v Midway Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 246
- Spencer v Identity Home Improvements Pty Ltd Domestic Build
- Spiroski v Andonov and Anor (Domestic Building) [2011] VCAT
- Spiter v Stonehendge Builders D736 2008i
- Spiteri V Stonehenge Homes Pty Ltd & Ors VCAT D736 2008
- Spiteri v Stonehenge Homes & Associates Pty Ltd & Ors Domes
- St James Apparments v Multiplex D764 2001
- St Kilda Arts v Apes with Wings BP82 2014 Member Farrelly 02 09 2014
- Stakes and Timber Pty Ltd trading as Australian Hardwood Flooring v Campagna
- Stand v Revive Services Pty Ltd (Building and Property MAINTENANCE WORK) [2018] VCAT 533
- Staples Super Pty Ltd v Australian Asset Consulting Pty Ltd (Costs) (Building and Property) [2016] 1788
- Stapleton v Canny Builders Pty Ltd (Member Farrelly Section 134 Statute Barred Claim 10 Years VCAT D217 2016) 08 11 2016
- State of Victoria v Choong Je Ahn (Domestic Building) [2006]
- Steinman & Associates Pty Ltd v Brandon (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 706
- Stelios and Suzie Samaras Pty Ltd v Karatekeli and Anor (Dom
- Stellar Constructions Pty Ltd v Ferguson Domestic Building [2013] VCAT 2159
- Stellar Constructions Pty Ltd v Ferguson Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 503
- Stellar Projects (Vic) Pty Ltd v A.A. Platinum Developments Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 2152
- Stewart v Owen (Building and Property CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST) [2019] VCAT 140
- Strazdins v Karpouzis (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1671
- Strong v Eco Smart Concept Builders Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 391
- Strong v Milanovic (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1225
- Structx Pty Ltd tas Bizibuilders v O'Keefe Domestic Buildin
- Stubbs Enterprises Pty Ltd v Williams (Domestic Building) [2
- Sukkel v Rush Domestic Building [2010] VCAT 1130
- Sumic v Muzaferovic Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 100
- Supreme Court Sopov.Anor v Kane Constructions 6897 of 2001
- Supreme Court Spov & Anor v Kane Constructions VSCA141 15 .
- Supreme Court Spov & Anor v Kane Constructions VSCA141 15
- Swintons PL v Age Old Builders PL [2005] VSCA 217
- T.B.T Victoria Pty Ltd v Trombone Pty Ltd Costs Building and Property [2015] VCAT 136
- TCM Building Group Pty Ltd v Mercuri (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 205
- TCM Building Group Pty Ltd v Mercuri (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1057
- TCM Building Group Pty Ltd v Mercuri (Building and Property COSTS ORDER RE INTEREST) [2018] VCAT 305
- TCM Building Group Pty Ltd v Mercuri Building and Property [2015] VCAT 983
- Tabakglou v CGU Insurance (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 53
- Tabakglou v CGU Insurance Ltd (Domestic Building) [2007] VCA
- Tahn v Enterprise Constructions aust Pty Ltd Building and Property STANDARDS & TOLERENCES [2015] VCAT 407
- Tambassis v Andrew Gribbin tas Inner Melbourne Landscapes (Building and Property LANDSCAPING) [2019] VCAT 540
- Tambassis v Gribbin trading as Inner Melbourne Landscapes (Building and Property LANDSCAPING DISPUTE) [2019] VCAT 1521
- Tanner v Miratoe Concreting Contractors (Domestic Building)
- Tauber v Connick tas NL & KL Connick (Domestic Building) [20
- Taylor v Taylor Real Property [2014] VCAT 796
- Taylor v Trentwood Homes Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2012]
- Tevans Properties Pty Ltd v Ciro (Building and Property) section 112 Offer [2015] VCAT 1544
- Tevans Properties Pty Ltd v Ciro Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1102
- The Bay and Bridge Hotel Pty Ltd v Ventofond Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1489
- The Gombac Group v Vero Insurance [2006] VCAT 238
- The Intercon Pty Ltd v Nakajima (Domestic Building) [2005] V
- The Professional Group Pty Ltd v Rickard (Domestic Building)
- The Professional Group v Rickard (Domestic Building) [20 (1)
- The Professional Group v Rickard (Domestic Building) [2006]
- The Victorian Managed Insurance Authority v Dura (Austra (1)
- The Victorian Managed Insurance Authority v Dura (Australia)
- Theodor v Noonan Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1390
- Thomas McEwan Properties Pty Ltd v Pantirer Pty Ltd Domesti
- Thurin v Krongold Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd (Building and Property DETERMINATION OF A BUILDING CONTRACT) [2019] VCAT 1206
- Thurin v Krongold Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd (Building and Property JOINDER APPLICATION) [2018] VCAT 1756
- Thurin v Krongold Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd Building and Property APPLICATION FOR COSTS) [2019] VCAT 1773
- Thurston v Campbell (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 340
- Tibor Pollack Construction Co Pty Ltd v Oakleigh Development
- Toner v Streaky Pty Ltd Building and Property (Alleged Loans) [2015] VCAT 863
- Tong v Kano Investments Pty Ltd (Building and Property JOINDER APPLICATION) [2018] VCAT 1269
- Tong v Tongji Sutra Pty Ltd (Building and Property JOINDER) [2019] VCAT 130
- Torres v 360 Outdoor Developments Pty Ltd (Building and Property CONCRETE DEFECTS) [2019] VCAT 820
- Trajcevski v Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd Domestic Build
- Trajkovski v Chillico and Sons (Domestic Building) [2006] VC
- Trakas v Aravopoulos (Building and Property CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST) [2016] VCAT 592
- Tran v Carlisle Homes Pty Ltd (Building and Property PRE CONTRACT AGREEMENT) [2016] VCAT 1873
- Tran v Carlisle Homes Pty Ltd (No 2) (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 967
- Tremaine Developments Pty Ltd v J.G.K. Investments Pty Ltd
- Tremaine Developments v JGK Investments (Domestic Building)
- Trombone Investments Pty Ltd v T.B.T Victoria Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 288
- Trombone Investments Pty Ltd v T.B.T Victoria Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 289
- Trombone Investments Pty Ltd v TBT (Victoria) Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 12
- True Blue Homes Pty Ltd v Kaye (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1790
- Trygg Builders v Australian Intl Insurance (Domestic Buildin
- Tsembas v Ciciulla (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1695
- Tsobanis v Katsouranis trading as CT Properties Building and Property [2015] VCAT 739
- Tsobanis v Katsouranis trading as CT Properties [2015] VCAT 1000
- Tsobanis v Katsouranis trading as CT Properties costs Amended Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1311
- Tsobanis v Katsouranis trading as CT Properties costs Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1311
- Turriff (Domestic Building Exemption) (Building and Property) [2015] VCAT 2043
- Tymstock Pty Ltd v Apace Rent A Car Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 929
- US Model Railroad Club of Australia v Maltese Cultural Association of Victoria (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1889
- Urumar Marble Pty Ltd v Thiess Pty Ltd (Domestic Building) [
- V2 Ioannides (Copyright)
- VCAT Anderson v Holden Peel Projects Pty Ltd (Building and Property OWNERS CORPORATION) [2019] VCAT 801
- VCAT ORDER (Judge Woodward Owners Corporation No.1,2,3 & Ors v Lu Simon Builders, Stasi Galanaos, Gardner Group & Ors [2019] VCAT BP350 2016
- VCAT ORDER (Jusge Woodward Owners Corporation No.1 of PS613436T v Lu Simon Builders Pty Ltd (No. 2) (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 468.
- VIN Capital Pty Ltd v Kushland Family Daycare Services Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 1321
- VJV Pty Ltd v Snioch Building and Property [2015] VCAT 408
- Valencia v Pride Homes Australia Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1163
- Van Haaster v Briscoe trading as Pty Ltd
- Van Pelt Builders Pty Ltd (ACN 078 834 529) v Rose (Domestic
- Van Vliet v Benmel Pty Ltd trading as Eurotec Window Shutter
- van Smaalen v Tsakiris (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1220
- Vanas v Ezy Clad Pty Ltd & Anor (Domestic Building) [2009] V
- Vasiliadis v Saoud (Building and Property BATHROOM RENOVATION DEFECTS) [2019] VCAT 1594
- Vegas v Andrew Pernell Nominees Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 987
- Velardo v Andonov (Domestic Building) [2009] VCAT 1922
- Ver1 Adeshara v Mpota
- Vermeulen v Foreman (Building and Property) [2016] VCAT 92
- Vero Insurance Limited v Eckberg
- Vero Insurance Ltd v Wharington Domestic Building [2009] V
- Vero Insurance v Eckberg (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 131
- Verras v En Vogue Developments Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1514
- Verraty Pty Ltd v Richmond Football Club Ltd (Building and Property LEASE) [2019] VCAT 1073
- Versa Tile Pty Ltd v 101 Construction Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1472
- Versus (Aus) Pty Ltd v A.N.H. Nominees Pty Ltd (Remitted) (Retail Tenancies) [2017] VCAT 859
- Versus Aus Pty Ltd v ANH Nominees Pty Ltd Correction Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1082
- Verve Constructions Pty Ltd v Visser (Domestic Building) [20
- Verve Constructions Pty Ltd v Visser Domestic Building [20
- Victorian Managed Insurance Authority v Dura (Australia) Con
- Victorian Managed Insurance Authority v Dura Australia (1)
- Victorian Managed Insurance Authority v Dura Australia Con
- Victorian Managed Insurance Authority v Karamitros (Domestic
- Vida v Sideris (Civil Claims CIVIL LOAN 7 COUNTER CLAIM) [2019] VCAT 1442
- Vig v Rexhepi (Building and Property PROCEEDING REINSTATEMENT BREACHED TOS) [2016] VCAT 2192
- Vigilante v National Builders Group (Domestic Building) [20
- Vitiello v Yang (Building and Property) [2017 01] VCAT 1644
- Vitiello v Yang (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 1644
- Vlahovic v Jovanovic (Building and Property) (COSTS CLAIM) [2019] VCAT 483
- Vlahovic v Jovanovic (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 1095
- Vollenbroich v Krongold Constructions (Domestic Building) [2
- Vrijken v Onley Constructions (Domestic Building) [2006] VCA
- Vuka Homes v A&P Couty D627 2004
- Vuka Homes v Couty (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 1301
- WW Archer Pty Ltd v MIRA Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property BRICKLAYOR DISPUTE EDMOND D'CRUZE EXPERT) [2019] VCAT 1998
- WYV Pty Ltd v NSR (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 334
- Waddell v JG King Project Management Pty Ltd (Building and Property BALCONIES & DEFECTS) [2018] VCAT 1531
- Wang v Orion Holdings Australia Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 812
- Wardle v Glenvill (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 671
- Ware v Victorian Managed Insurance Authority Domestic Build
- Warren's Plumbing & Drainage Services Pty Ltd v Sharma (Building and Property DEBT RECOVERY PLUMBING) [2019] VCAT 149
- Warrens Plumbing and Drainage Services Pty Ltd v Sharma Building and Property DEBT RECOVERY & DBDRV) [2018] VCAT 883
- Waterford Towers Owners Corporation v Burbank Australia Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 218
- Watson v Concrete Services Group Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 325
- Watson v Richwall Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1127
- Watson v Richwall Pty Ltd Building and Property [2015] VCAT 1191
- Weatherley v Weatherley (Building and Property LAND OWNERSHIP DISPUTE) [2019] VCAT 1393
- Webster v De Petro Nominees Pty Ltd (Building and Property EXESIVE PLUMBING CHARGES) [2018] VCAT 588
- West Meadows Homes and Ors v Orion Kitchens Pty Ltd (ACN 117
- West v Fode (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 271
- Wharington v Vero Insurance (Domestic Building) [2006] VCAT
- Wharington v Vero Insurance Limited (Domestic Building) [200
- Wharington v Vero Insurance No[1].1 (Domestic Building) [200
- Wharington v Vero Insurance No[1].2 (Domestic Building) [200
- Wharington v Vero Insurance No[1].3 (Domestic Building) [200
- White v Noble trading as WR and EM Noble Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 413
- Whiteside v Taylor (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 523
- Whiteside v Taylor (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 658
- William Buck (Vic) Pty Ltd v Motta Holdings Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 15
- Williams v BT Construction and Landscapes Pty Ltd & Ors Dom
- Wilson and Anor v Lazaway Pools
- Wilson v Carpi and Anor (Domestic Building) [2011] VCAT 573
- Wincrest Homes Pty Ltd (ACN 002 989 755) v Benjamin and Anor
- Wisway Pty Ltd v 70 High St Preston Project Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2019 THE BUILDING OF A SALES CENTER] VCAT 486
- Witchell v National Builders Group Pty Ltd & Ors Domestic
- Wolstenholme v Eagle Homes Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2009
- Wood v Australian Unity General Insurance (Domestic Building
- Wood v Calliden Insurance Limited & Ors Domestic Building
- Woods v Contractors Bonding Ltd Domestic Building [2012] V
- Woods v Glenvill (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT 670
- Woodward v Begley
- Worontschak v Allianz Australia Insurance (Domestic Building
- Worontschak v Allianz Australia Insurance Limited [2006] VCA
- Wow Design Construct v Wilson (Domestic Building) [2006] VCA
- Wright v Palmer trading as AC & VL Palmer Domestic Building
- Xiao v Eliana Construction and Development Group Pty Ltd Building and Property [2014] VCAT 1589
- Xu v Hallbuild Pty Ltd (Building and Property NON RECTIFICATION OF BUILDING WORK DEFAULT TOS) [2018] VCAT 386
- Xu v Hallbuild Pty Ltd (Costs) (Building and Property COSTS APPLICATION) [2018] VCAT 893
- Yan v Brown Bros Cabinet Works Pty Ltd No2 Domestic Building [2014] VCAT 177
- Yandle v Opal Park Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2017] VCAT 377
- Yang v Mega Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd (Building and Property DEFECTS & INCOMPLETE WORK) [2019] VCAT 938
- Yarak v Clarendon Homes VIC Pty Ltd Domestic Building [2
- Yarnall v Evans (Building and Property) [2019 VARIATIONS AND DEFECTS] VCAT 572
- Youl v Renn (Building and Property STANDARDS & TOLERENCES) [2016] VCAT 1515
- Youssef v Vero Insurance (Domestic Building) [2005] VCAT 144
- Zahariev v Po Yan Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 327
- Zaitsev v Nicholson Wright Pty Ltd (Building and Property VBA DISCOVERY HARMAN UNDERTAKING) [2019] VCAT 1508
- Zaitsev v Strucsand Consulting Pty Ltd (Building and Property) [2018] VCAT 659
- Zammit v Home Construction
- Zirkys Apartments v Glenvill (Domestic Building) [2007] VCAT

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